Saturday 1 September 2012

Frat Party take 2

Classes were relative normal today, I got to answer some questions and get some points for participation,voice is always good. I managed to Skype matt and talk to my parents which was great and I got my printing moment sorted which is always a bonus especially when I have a paper due in next week. That I will have to print off. So I will figure that out on early Tuesday morning. But it's fine I am a smart girl and I am sure I can figure it out. I am glad I am getting ahead in my paper although now I a. Starting to hand them in it is getting scary and I will probably start to panic. I managed to get a couple of books of Taylor as well for the high middle ages, I have a three day weekend so I need to do some work in this time. I am going to try and write one paper at least. The other I can't really start until the professor has posted and "guide as it were" but I could start reading a book and writing notes on a book where the paper isn't due until October. That could interesting. I am getting ahead of myself. Planning things too early as it were.

I went home, found I had a lovely letter from Deb and proceeded to get changed and go to the pool. It was beautiful weather and I need some time relaxing in the sun. I hope I get more time this weekend as well. Catherine and Alice joined me as well as Alex ( Austrailia) so we calls at for a while. Rain came down quickly but passed quickly as well, so as per normal humans we ran for cover and found it was a pathetic downpour so Alex and I went back out into the sun whereas Alice and Catherine left.  There was another little down pour while we were sat there but nothing major. I decided it my time to leave. So I went back to my flat, showered, ate some dinner, although I wasn't really hungry. And got ready for the frat party that evening.

I had found out that the party started at like 10 which is ridiculously early. Either way a group of us arrived around 10 and got in fine. I met a load of new people, Wes was the most prominent I think, and Taylor of course was there. He kept turning up here and there which was good. It was so strange you could go anywhere in this house, the floors were so slippy! In the living room (I think) there was a dj and everyone was dancing and having a good time, I only went there towards the end of the night. To find the others. Peoples rooms were open and everything it was crazy. There were people hooking up all around you. And guys kept trying to grind on my friends, I obviously didn't look drunk enough or maybe to was my evil stare at them that made them go away. I don't know, but we helped each other out and stayed together getting boys off each other. They were not subtle at all. I now understand the stories people were telling me. 

We only left around 12:30, but I wanted to leave with everyone else, no point in staying longer and get a taxi home alone and be left to the wolves as it were. The taxi companies must have made a fortune of us. We all travelled as a group, so taxis had to come together to get us all back. It was so awesome! Everyone else said they were then going swimming and i was up for it until I got back to my apartment and I literally just crashed on my bed. It was a good night and I wish I could have gone to the pool but to be together and ready for tomorrow's adventure I had to be alert and ready. 

Tomorrow is always another adventure. 

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