Sunday 9 September 2012

Lessons learned.

I have made a list of things I need to change about myself. I know people say never change who you are but these are bad qualities and those of you reading this that know me will agree with this list and I hope you will help me improve myself.

1. Stop worrying about friends opinions of me.
2. Stop worrying about trivial things... Stop worrying all together.
3. Relax! Life has its twists and turns just got to manoeuvre rather than stop at each bump.
4. Stop apologising for everything. It's invariably not your fault!
5. Learn to give away a little control, let go and trust people.

I can feel myself shutting people off and not talking about things. I need to open this cage I have put myself into.

This needed to be public so there is proof I wrote it and made this pledge to myself.

This is for the people I love. I promise you this now!  

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