Thursday 30 August 2012

James Meredith

There are so many title I could put to this post, it has been an eventful day!

Missed the bus I wanted to get to campus, but it's fine still got in on time to Skype matt and to get to class on time. Slight panic because I had gotten an email saying that my health insurance was going to be covered by my home university - sorted saving $632! But all the details were at trails and I was on campus! It was just really difficult to comprehend how I was going to get my information to the international office today because it needed to be today. Luckily thanks to the wifi on campus I was ale to check online and he the details for everything online. Taylor had already said he was going to help me getting printing money sorted but the international office said they were able to print everything for me instead which was very kind of them. So after finding all these documents and having a mini stress and a panic at poor Taylor I finally got it sorted.

In my reformation class the tutor keeps pointing at me and asking me questions about England, I am not sure of the answers half the time, you'd be surprised how little we know about our own country. Newcastle was a mining city - when did this happen? I must just be an oblivious southerner. After the answer is said I kick myself generally but there are times I genuinely don't know the answer. It isscary being the only British person in a class and being put on the spot like that!

I didn't get to go swimming today which was I gutted about to be honest, I like swimming and to be honest I needed a little stress relief so I might go tomorrow instead. Depends.

I had ribs, risotto, carrots and apple pie for lunch with a drink for $10, it was nice and filled a hole it must be said but to be honest I don't think I will be going there again. I dunno just didn't quite meet my standard, although it tasted lovely it was good to get some spice and some veg inside me. I dunno just didnt quite meet my standards.

After lunch I went to the library (I know standard me) I got to type up my notes for another paper I am having to write it isn't due until late september but I would rather have my notes sorted. I like getting organised. Talking to friend and chilling was then on the agenda until me slavery class.

My slavery class was extremely interesting today, we were talking about the ideas of slavery in the American psyche and how it is never really talked about even in museums, it is a taboo subject. Someone ended up brining up the holocaust and how in Germany it isn't really talked about, at which point Patricia opened up and said that this was not true. She then explain how her family were linked to the holocaust. It turns out her great grandmother helped the Jews and she lost her life because of it. And Patricia says that it is always talked about in Germany and it is a massive source of guilt for them. For a whole country to be struck by guilt about one man's actions - that is powerful stuff! I felt so sorry for Patricia having to talk about it. I was tempted to speak up about Bristol and how it is covered in slave history and it is talked about to a greater extent and although we may not be proud of it, it is something we have to deal with.

I also found out with ole miss rebels came from. Ole miss is what the slaves used to call the slave owners wife and the rebels bit is the people that rebelled against them. It is so interesting to find out where these terms come from. For example Colonel Reb - the old mascot for the Rebels, was based of Blind Jim Ivy who has a history with Ole Miss. I love this place there is so much history here ready to be absorbed and understood! It seemed everyone in the class knew about him and about this but obviously the foreign students couldnt stop writing!

After class we went onto the Square were James Meredith was signed books and giving a talk. He was the first black student at Ole Miss and there is a statue of him between the Lyceum and the Library on campus. He calls for it to be destroyed - he claims it is an idol and therefore God says we are not to worship idols. He is such a pious individual and he claims that it is up to the black church communities to raise every child within a two mile radius then the education system and everything would be better. His book looks like a really good read and I got it signed of course! He is an inspiring individual being in the air force, going to Japan, getting shot at at school. He says he knew nobody at Ole Miss he treated them all as strangers and he s he wouldn't recognise one of the other students now even. I find that really sad that university days are meant to bet he time of your life and yet his seem filled with despair but courage at the same time!

It has been just a phenomenal day and my plan tonight is to relax and write some letters. Read my book watch a film etc.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

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