Thursday 27 September 2012

Midterm #2

I forgot to mention yesterday that our washing machine had broken so I woke up this morning with clothes that were still wet. So I had to put them on again, they had been dryer for over 2 hours becz fire they were dry. Crazy! All together I haven't had a brilliant day but it could have been a lot worse.

I'm not going to rant and rave on here because it isn't the place to do it and I have done enough of it today. my class this morning went fine I got to answer some questions in class and I also found out that I am set for an A in participation in that class which is good. I didn't get to go swimming today hae too much to do, I did however reach my 48 lengths goal of Tuesday so I didn't feel so bad missing this session. After my meeting with this professor I went to the union grabbed some food had a lovely conversation with the dinner ladies and the gentlemen ordering before me. Quite interesting comparing cultures, I have had to explain what a crumpet is twice today. I have been compliment a lot today as well. Ladies in Starbucks and in the union have both said I was looking good today and they were glad to see me always smiling. I am worried that the Starbucks lady is going to learning I am soon enough so I will be able to go in and not even have to order as any other person. One of my fellow student also complimented me - weird! 

Anyway, after lunch I met with Alphonso to have coffee unfortunately I didn't last very long but I think we are going to do it again some time. It was really nice chatting to him. After this I got some work done, emailed myself some document for my reading in other subjects. I also got to chat to Annie this morning which was different but lovely to talk to her. I also talked a little to my parents and my sister which was equally nice. I wish I could talk to them more but I am just so busy at the moment. I hate to admit it but I am so busy that I am not really missing home until I come back to my apartment. 

My afternoon class was when my second midterm arrived. It was okay I left with about 30 mins to go and I think I did okay, but you never can tell. I grabbed a quick coffee from barnes and noble with Hannah while Gaby went for the bus. The lady who did our coffee was extremely slow, was having a conversation whilst doing it and so forgot the whipped cream on top of my mocha which wouldn't be a problem but we had to get a bus! It drove me mad! Grr I hate people like that. I do my best at work not to do that unless its deadly quiet, it was heaving there!!! So annoying! She is always like that though whenever she is making coffee's. 

Anyway bus home, more work got some essay plans done which was brilliant and some revision ready for tomorrow. I talked again to Annie which was nice, I also had a very quick chat with Sam, Char and Oz but only briefly. 

Anyway to end the night....guess.....more revision and now just chilling out. Trying to upload the new software to my devices but failing miserably and that is so frustrating. May have seemed like my day has actually been okay but I having spent most of it in a ball of stress wasn't fun. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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