Sunday 30 September 2012

New Orleans!

Okay so my first full day in New Orleampnz! A couple of things I forgot to mention about last night, we saw a rather large lady dancing, being over, and this old man, behind her smacking her ass with both hands! It was soo strange. I hate to be judgmental, but there were some later women and men out last night and they were just going for it! Fair play that they have the confidene but it was just really shocking. One woman we saw had just a little dress on and it was only just covering her nipples! Not only this we kept getting thrown beads as well. We never caught them or picked them up unlike others but we found out today what they mean. Their history is that any girl who showed the guys on the balconies their tits was thrown a set of beads! How insane is that?! To be honest is hard to tell which girls on the balconies are there for a good time or to sell themselves. There were so many sex shops and strip clubs down there as well it was insane.

It was incredibly surreal and it wasn't expecting it to be that tacky but I knew it would be bad if that makes sense.

Right onto what happened today. Today was. Exploring day we had the wole day to do whatever we wanted, getting up at 9 after like 5 hours sleep probably wasn't the best idea in the world but we needed to get up and get on with it! Jasmin, Alice, Aimee and I all went to a place called Antionne's annex, which was a small cafe off a larger posher restaurant. We had grabbed some breakfast and the moved on down to Jackson square and st louis cathedral. The Cathedral was really nice and despite the rain we managed to keep our spirits high. Walking through the square we came across a road where the pavement was full of horses and carts, it was so fixed for tourists. Later on in the day, Aimee and Alice and Wijnand went and had a ride for $15 a person for a 30 mins trip. Seemed a bit steep to me. We moved on down to the French market however, this was similarly set up for tourists and also massively tacky I thought I would be able to get some nice t shirts or some sort of souvenirs for my family and friends and I was kinda disappointed. It wasn't as original as I expected at all.

From here and after meeting Wijnand we moved onto finding Frenchman street because that is where Aimee and Alice and Wijnand wanted to go this evening. ( I can tell you now, Alice and Aimee didn't go) Jasmin and I were never going to go, we did not feel safe down there. It looked dodgy and just didn't feel right at all. It was more of a residential area than anything else. We got the streetcar from the end of the market to back up to near Cafe du Monde. We then had Beignets and coffee's for like $5 a piece! It was amazing! They were so fattening but they tasted so good! So much icing sugar. We found a mini version  later and found it is literally just batter that is deep fried! Still tastes good though. Reminded me of Princess and the Frog and although I would love to try gumbo I don't think I would like it too much.

After our beignets we split off, Jasmin and I went shopping and the others went on their horse ride. jasmin and I had an awesome time, we went to hard rock and bubba gump shop and then down to the river walk mall. The Mall wasn't what we executed at all, I have got some souvenirs though. We met someone from England as well, and it turns out they are like from 20 mins away from my hometown how crazy is that! It. Was just amazing! We met some awesome people. I had a really good day. We dropped everything off at the hotel room. We then joined the others at the house of blues. It was really mic ebut it was sold out for this evening so we didn't eat there. We just chilled.

Wijnand went to a little cafe, bistro place to have a gator steak whereas, us girls went to bubba gump for dinner it was really nice but I couldnt finish it! Which sucked but the smoothies aimee and I had were lovely.

After this we returned to the hotel and chilled and watched part of the ole miss game we lost but the team we played is awesome and so I am so proud we put a score on the board.

Then jasmin and I decided to go to Bourbon street again. It was awesome! Such a good night and I think well deserved.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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