Sunday 9 September 2012

High on life

Right it is the morning of the night before. So I will update you About what happened yesterday as I fell asleep before I could write to you. 

I managed to get some work done in the momring after Skyping matt for a serious period of time. It was nice though, got to have a real chat. Either way, I got ready for the Grove! Met everyone at e clubhouse at like 2:15 and then proceeded to walk to the grove and find our tent. Food!!! There was a whole rang, friend chicken, pulled pork sandwiches, crisps, brownies, biscuits and believe me I ate my fill. We didn't want true walk of champions instead, we wounded around the grove just taking it all in and  on occasion attempting to get into someone else's tent. We saw dolls houses that had pillars which had different drinks in them. We saw full sound systems and tvs! It was shocking. 

Hannah, Sophie, Gaby, Immy and I and sat on the Lyceum steps and just chatted watching people walk past and watching people get ready as hyped for the game. It was awesome! Around 5:15 we all moved down to the stadium and manage to sit in the same seats as last time. So people could easily find us and we all sat as a groupagain. When we we're walking in we saw someone giving out cups, inside these cups were a chap stick, sunglasses string, a cup holder, a cup, a pen and face paints! But the start of the game almost everyone had strips on their faces! Blue and red strips! War Paint! We noticed not many of the Americans had it but we did and we felt cool! By the end of the 1st quarter it was smudged everywhere, all over people's faces and hands and everything! It was still pretty cool. 

I was sat near Gaby to explain the game to her and i think she started to get it, a lot of the English people were just waving and cheering because everyone else was. We all had red pomp pomps again. The stadium was a sea of red! It looks great! Everyone was dressed up and it was really cool. It was also nicer weather so we were able to enjoy the grove and the game mo from being cooler it also meant however we had to leave at half time because people had gotten cold. but still it was an awesome game,  sung all the songs we joined in the chants it was a great game and we played better football as well! We won!! 28-10 it was a great game! The away teams support was tiny which is kinda gutting for them it awesome for us, there was like less than 100 vs 60,000 or more!the atmosphere was intense! I got so many more pictures of people and larger groups of people as well! 

I think everyone had a better time to be honest. All the way home we were singing and listening to the game shout outs, i could even here them scoring in my room! 30mins away from the stadium! We have people honking at us and wolf whistling, to be honest I didn't care I was so high on life yesterday! It was a great day. 

Once home and had washed the face paint off my face, at one point I had purple cheeks! I uploaded my pictures and trying to getting them on to Facebook was a pain just too slow! So that's a job for another day. my days keep getting better and better! 

Tomorrow is another adventure

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