Sunday 30 September 2012


I forgot to mention that we saw a transvestite on brain street as well the other night! Strange!

Either way today was our last half a day in Nola, it's a good job I woke up at 9 naturally my alarm didn't go off. But still we got ready checked out of the hotel and left our luggage in a secure place. We then went and found this oceana place to breakfast. Pancakes with strawberries and sausage! It was delicious, 3 large pancakes with maple syrup on the side ( better than UK syrup I have to say) and sliced strawberries and the two slices of sausage! Yummy yummy! It was great I loved it!it was only like 3 blocks from the hotel as well.

After breakfast it turns out we arrived late back at the hotel and then we all boarded the coach ready for the long ass drive home. Jasmin and I got to talk some more whilst driving through what could only be described at swamp country. It was remarkable so green! It rained heavier coming home so that made as feel a little better. We were all so tired people were taking naps left right and centre! Even I had a 30 min nod! Jas and I decided to sit on seperated seats so we cold stretch out and cuddle up and sleep better. I did a little work every now and again when I was sleeping. Half way home we stopped at a mall, this is where some serious shopping was done, I am going to throw away all my old tops son I think, I don't think I will wear them again. It was so much better shopping than in Nola!

We had to quickly grab food to go and then back on the coach for eating more sleeping and a little more studying. The time seemed to go but traveling is always tiring whether it be two hours or seven. Arrived back in trails earlier than expected, shared stories with Patty and talked about her mad weekend as well! It was really cool. Then chilled out a little, tried again in vain to get the new software so dunno what I am going to do about that! Anyway, in bed ready to sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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