Monday 24 September 2012


So after feeling like crap all day yesterday, I got very little done work wise. I talked to matt a little and my parents. But I was just too tired! I just couldn't function. I went over to hannah's to update her about the happening of the night before after she left. I managed to upload my photos and we chatted for ages. Rob came up for a bit and chatted with us as well. I do not really remember what we talked about! I was just so tired. Despite all this I did manage to do some work. Just not nearly as much as I should have. Serves me right.

I did manage to have a two hour nap! Then I got into bed and got a film on and then I got into bed and just fell asleep. This was around 8pm to then get up this morning and doze for like 20 mins. I have slept alright but I think I am going to have to do another another early night tonight. But at least I am able to function this morning.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

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