Thursday 6 September 2012

Birthday meal

Class was good today, I got my assignment back which I got a B- in which apparently isn't that good, but after looking at percentages and thinking about it I am pleased, the only major feedback I got was about my structure including my sentencing and stuff so simple things or sort out rather than major issues with my essays. Classes so interesting here and it is great to mix with people from different backgrounds and therefore having different opinions about matters and the such like. I got a fair amount of work done in the library today but didn't get to go swimming I didn't want to wreck my hair colour just yet. I am turning into a bit of a workaholic ipbut I always need to be working on something. It will just help when I te further into the term when I have already done some research and reading for papers and classes that are coming. I prefer to be one page ahead in the manual as it were.

To be honest i can not say a lot went on today on Campus I just know I was feeling good all day and I got o Skype matt for a little tiny bit and I got to talk to Abi on Facebook and it is just great getting the time to talk to people from England. I got to Skype my parents when I got home for a little it and I have decided I am going to go and see some of my professors in their office hours just to discuss matters and so they get to know me a little bit better.

Anyway after getting very little work done at home because I only decided very late that I needed to do work, it was time for Laura's meal! It is her birthday tomorrow so she is having a meal tonight that is still going on as i write this and a load of Iternational students are here however it was by invitation only. Hannah came along which was really nice we got to talk to some and we basically ended telling life stories and embarrassing stories about each other lives it was nice. The food was amazing! A mixture of southern food and European food, cakes and main courses! It was a great spread and I am sure it will all go tonight. Our fridge had been reorganized when I went into it and I got very confused but it's all good! I don't mind.

I love my room mates so much, we get along so well. We are a little family and it is really nice that I get o spend so much time with them. I wish I was more social able in the evenings but I have work and reading to do so generally I am getting that done. They understand I am sure.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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