Saturday 29 September 2012


Today has been one of the longest days I swear!

All my classes were okay and my midterm was fine. Not much I can do about it to be honest. I went and saw almost all my other professors bar 1 and they are all saying that I am fine and that I can do stuff to improve my grade. I got to Skype talk to matt and parents. I made a complaint at the union coffee shop about the girl from yesterday. Um I got some work done this morning. I got about around 2:30 and then made sure I was ready and stuff. 

Bus at 4:30 and the a seven hour bus ride talking about all sorts with jasmin, got a Arby's on the way for dinner, we got here and got changed and then decided to wonder the infamous Bourbon street which to be honest was a disappointment. It wasn't a good as expected and in all honesty, most people were a hell of a lot older than us. I am in a room with jasmin, Alice and Aimee which is really nice. I have been buzzing this whole journey about getting here and seeing this all! It is amazing I can tell already! I am looking forward to exploring a lot more. Not a lot more to tell it has just been a long and stressful day to be honest.

Don't really know what else to say other than...

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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