Thursday 13 September 2012

Flat meal

Classes were pretty standard today as always, it's really interesting how there are different teaching methods in each class, I know each lecturer at home is different but here they are really different. strange and each class has a different way of assessing, whereas at home it's standard almost across everyone.

After class I had my lunch and proceeded to the library although I didn't stay there long because I was waiting on a text from Anatole. There is no signal in the library. So I sat in the student union and did my work there. It was really nice in all honesty it was good. Anatole then. Said he would pick me up from outside the student union. So I sat out there and his concept of 10 minutes is off by about 10 mins. Either way we went to the square and I had a smoothie and some frozen yoghurt. I paid my own way, as I always do. Then we had a full on conversation for about 1 and a half hours talking about European differences and things that were wrong with America and England. It was nice. He then drove me back to trails.

From this point I did work. Work for Friday, reading and making notes and finishing off my essay plan that I am going through with a professor. It reached 7pm and Patricia and Laura told me and Hyein that dinner was ready! This meal was really nice,  talked loads about everything from how our days were to religious opinions and stuff. We are becoming some really good friends and I am getting to know them really well and it was really nice to spend a few hours with all of us together. We couldn't decided however who was to be next, or when the next time we are doing it. I have no idea what I am going to do for when it's my time. I guess I will have to have a look and see what I can get together.

After dinner, Hyein and I watched the end of Unkown, it is a good film but I think I am going to have to watch the beginning at some point. I was scared about Hyein she seemed to flinch and scream at some of the scenes and I feel like maybe to was too much for her. I will have to make sure I am watching a nice film when she is watching one with me next time.  Before bed guess what I did! I did work. :o I know shocking isn't it.

I was so tired that it stopped me from posting this last night but here it is.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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