Monday 3 September 2012

Labour Day

I know the spelling isn't American.

Today the best part of it was spent doing work for tomorrow and this week, reading making notes. I managed to Skype matt and my parents for a while. I love talking to them so much. Its strange thinking that I am still not seeing them for another 13 weeks or 96 as Matt would say. I have also managed to write a few letters as well so I will post them when I get to campus tomorrow. I am starting to like writing letters and I think I need to get into a habit of writing them once a week. In response to letters I have received or just for the fun of it.

I went to Kabuki for lunch with Molly, Carla and Alice. Molly was saying the others girls she has are crazy and she can't get along with them much. The food was amazing it reminded me of Benihanas that went to in Detroit. The rive veg and meat are all cooked on a massive hot plate in front of you. They do all kinds of tricks with the utensils and sauces etc! It is just an amazing show! I was in awe! We had to try and catch pieces of egg in our mouths. I have never been one to throw something in the air and catch it with my mouth and I managed it purely by fluke I think.

I went through to films today just as background noise it was nice to have the day to myself and to be honest I think I needed it.iwas so tired I don't do well with 6 hours sleep. I know what kind of student am I. 7  hours I can handle anything less I am grouchy and horrible etc etc. the tiniest thing sets me off. I got a air amount of work done, although I am not feeling prepared for the quiz I have tomorrow. I don't know what to expect. All part I the learning curve.

Tomorrow is another adventure 

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