Saturday 15 September 2012


So a ridiculous early wake up today, not for reason of alarm or anything else other than my own body just deciding it wanted to be away at 7am! That's not normal. It did mean however an extra long skype with matt which was lovely. Got to discuss stuff and talk and it was just awesome! Then the internet started acting up, but it was good timing because he had to go to work and I had decided to go to the gym for a bit. I ended up doing an hour workout down there. It felt really good and that means that I don't have to do one tomorrow which means more time for doing work. I don't know whether to think this is good or bad.

Either way after a shower and some proper breakfast - granola and yoghurt. I got down to doing some work, I went down the pool and surprisingly got a lot done. No one was there to distract me there were very few people there and the rest of the English people were either doing work them selves, sleeping or recovering. Either way it was nice to get that time to myself, especially when I had such emotional letters come through from my grandpa and Matt. Such lovely letters, both of them make me cry. Good tears though I promise. 

I tried doing more work when I can back upstairs but managed very little, I ended up watching the first lord of the rings whilst doing work and then whilst getting ready for the game. My dress had dried nicely from hand washing the evening before. We started to wonder over to the grove around 4:30ish it must have been after hearing all the stories about the night before. I talked to Immy the whole way down, she is such an inspiring individual! I don't know how she copes with the stress. 

We chilled a the international tent agin for a bit and then moved on to finding other tents, I tried to find Taylor's tent but by the time we had figured it out, the girls were wanting food. So we went into the Union and grabbed some dinner, and then proceeded to walk onto the stadium! It got busy really quickly. We were there early but it got so manic! People were standing in front of people standing on the seats and people had stepped back onto seats rather than in front and so it was really difficult to see. Texas had scored in the first 6 minutes and had sacked our quarter twice in the first 10 minutes! They are insane. The quest seating seemed to be bigger and thre was a real mix of orange and red in that area. It was good that the away team got some awesome support though. 

Everyone had the stripes again as per usual and I got a new gym bag in the process. It's not very nice but it will serve a purpose I believe. I got another cup of sprite but I got the same cup as last time that I wasnt too chuffed about so I might have to throw one of them away. I had to sit down for a lot of the game because I couldnt see anything. The one time I shad seen or heard something from sitting down I got up and almost passed out. I nearly fainted and then felt fuzzy for a few minutes. It was scary that has never happened to me before. I don't even know why it happened. 

We left At half time again although I wanted to stay for the whole game I thought with everyone else going and me almost fainting once I thought it might be a good idea for me to leave. I talked to Joe on the way back about how he is finding it being the same country as his girlfriend but also how are the distance is, it was really nice to know someone is going through similar stuff to me. He was really sympathetic and empathetic. It was a lovely conversation, we ended up talking about 5 year plans. It's interesting to see where people are at in their lives and where they see themselves going to.  

Home, washing make up off, blogging, last stop - sleep. 

Tomorrow is another adventure 

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