Thursday 20 September 2012


I missed talking to matt this morning because he had his bike test which he passed so congrats to him.

It did mean however that i got ever more work done today which was nice, I went to Starbucks and got a mocha coffee and a croissant which added to my breakfast. And got my reading done for tomorrow. I did miss talking to him though.

Class continued as usual, I didn't go swimming today instead I did some more work, I went back to trails to drop of my swimming kit and pick up some books to return and to do some reading, when I got back to campus and I had done what I needed to in the library I decided to sit outside. I went to Barnes and noble had another coffee, carmel mocha frap this time ( much too sweet for me) and sat down and did some more work. However it was paused by a lovely Skype session with my family. I know that whenever I am missing home too much i call them and they will remind me of the madness back home and make me forget about my stresses here. Olivia isn't missing me, I can tell from the way she talks to me, that she isn't really noticing I am not there. Which is nice in a way, she is progressing as normal without me.

So in the end I didn't do much of the reading that needed to but it doesn't matter I made up for wit when I came home after my last lesson. On the way back I brought a tickets for an event coming o and some forzen yoghurt. I seemed to have stopped counting calories. I should really carry on burin all honesty i think it will just get me more worried. I am eating when I am hungry that is the point.i am still eating.

When I did get back I got straight on with work, writing up midterm notes, I wanted to write essay plans as well tonight but sleep seems to be catching up with me. I'm just so tired. I have all of tomorrow afternoon though do reading, finish of my midterm notes and write those essay plans. Work load is piling up and the midterm are looming. My home uni hasn't even gone back to term yet. Depressing much!!

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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