Monday 10 September 2012

Culture shock

Same old Monday morning, a Skype with Matt and 3 classes. Pretty standard.

After class I and I had had lunch I got the bus to Walmart where I met Anatole and I spent 30 mins talking to him about everything that was different between American and English cultures. How we are so different and yet we stem from the same ideas. We were just commenting on how weird it was, I got my phone card so my phone is sorted for the next month and Anatole I'd that if ever I need a lift somewhere he would hook me up. It was great talking to him to have a full conversation with him. When I got back I went to the library and did some work, I worked on one assignment whilst Skyping my parents and printed both the papers that are due in on Friday. I was glad to talk to my parents.

I have decided I need to become more independent and rely on myself to do things. Not always go looking for help.
I signed up for the study abroad fair in the students union on Thursday, which will be agreat opportunity to show my country and my university off and give people the me opportunity that I have had, because it is definitely worth it. I also decided today that I am going to start tracking my calorie intake along with the level of exercise I am doing. It will be good just too keep a food diary more than anything

After all my escapades on campus I decided with it being such nice weather outside that I would walk home. Only. 30/45 mins walk it a good, I got to listen to my music, forget about the world and distress it was a great time. Despite the really busy roads I have to cross and walk along.

I also found out today that the problem that happened at home over the weekend is now all sorted, someone had let slip that I had been stressing about it which although was true, I am going to manage this on my own. My friends will help me of course but I need to learn strategies for coping on my own thats for sure. My Internet unfortunately didn't let me Skype Matt when I got home, but we got to type to each other for a little while. It's going to be so difficult when he goes back to uni, he is going to be so busy and he won't have time to talk to me. But we are strong enough, we are going to get through all of this! He deserves a medal. I also received a letter off my grandpa today which was nice, mail always brightens my day especially whens it from people you love and it has such kinds words in it. I swear these letters keep me going sometimes.

Either way I spent my afternoon reading and doing some work, before deciding to have a break and watch a film whilst eating my 'dinner', this wasnt such a good idea when  balf way thrgh the film i started feeling sick. Harry Potter 1 was on, so sat and had memories of home and my childhood come back to me. Patricia came in part way through so we ended up discussing the German films and ow English and American films are shown in Germany and things like that it was really nice. It was nice to understand how a different country copes with such issues. We needed up talking about all sorts, education, jobs and I got to tell her some words and correct her which I felt good for because obviously she wants to improve.

Hyein came in towards the end and she got involved in the discussion. We talked about anything and almost everything, it was really nice! We really got to bond over stories of home and people and things that have happened here. Talking about classes and friends and everything it was really nice to hear how they are coping with the difference just as I am. I can already tell their English is getting better, although it was near perfect to begin with, it's nice to hear them gettin something's better. We turned I've the channel and found puss in boots! I love this film and do we watched the end of this whilst having more and more discussion, what we wanted to do with careers and stuff like that.

Hyein described a worry to me as we were turning in for the night that she was worried about hearing male voices in the night when guys were here, just a cultural thing, she gets a little frightened. She asked whether she should tell Patricia, so we pulled her into my room and we all discussed, although I don't have a problem with any of it, I just wanted to be there to help explain for Hyein if she needed it. But it's fine we have sorted everything out. I am so happy with my flat mates! I have heard stories about other flats not getting along at all, and I am thankful I have just wonderful people I can call my friends around me.

I couldn't ask for a better situation right now.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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