Saturday 1 September 2012

Football game!

The beginning to today was really boring, I got some work done which is good and managed to get all the primary source I am gonna be given off blackboard and onto my wireless device which means I can do work and read them anywhere now.

Time for The Grove!

I heard a lot about this legendary time before a football game and the volume of tents and every thing but I am afraid nothing can prepare you for it! It is just phenomenal! Soo many tents, chandeliers, lots of booze and food! The sun beating down on you, it was so so so hot today! After starting with no tent, we ended up being invited to a fair few it was good. It was an experience. I just wanted fluids the whole day, I only ate a burger in the afternoon. Admittedly I had a rather large lunch but still. Not a lot to eat, mind you I don't eat a lot - I am getting off topic.

The student union was open which meant there was some place of shade. But it was a see of blue and red tents with white people dotted around. It was insane! People had tv's set up there was an area for kids to play it! It was like a concert that happens once a year near my hometown but it was tent times bigger and more extravagant. What made me laugh was that it wasn't even a busy game apparently, it was quiet! Quiet!! They having a joke or what? It was mental truly mental. I stood on the walk of champions and videoed the players and coaches going passed to go into the stadium. And to be honest we weren't far behind them.

We managed to get in nice and early, the lit of prohitbited items is huge! And the scanning of student Ida's is really efficient, it was just getting into a queue that was short enough. we found seats as found all the other international students again. There are so many of us we all got seperated but it's fine we found each other. 

In the beginning the football game was awesome, we were in the shade which is always a bonus and we had a great view! I have got so many photos from today it is going to take an age to upload them all. I have learnt one thing - I need to learn the other chants. I know Hotty Toddy - that's easy but there are others! It is amazing. It is just an incomparable experience! Unlike any pro game or English american football game I have ever seen. The only thing it could be similar to is an International Rugby Match. I would imagine anyway.

I have to admit it got a little bored, they were playing boring football in the first 20 mins and then  Arkansas starting scoring that made it even worse, at half time the place emptied most of the international lefts. I don't know whether it was because they didn't understand the game or got bored or fed up or what but still they left. Admittedly we stayed until the last 5 mins at which pint we wanted to go home ad get changed. We were All so hot and sweaty. We got given pomp pops though which was awesome, so a sea of white shirts and a corners of purple, turned into a see of red pomp pomps being waved whenever and ole miss chant was going on.

I had to give in to advertising though, I have decided I am going to collect the 5 collectors cups they were 32oz so perfect for studying with, taking to lectures etc. I don't have a lid for it though.... I may have to find one before leaving Oxford. I walked home with Gil, Catherine, Domnhall and Aimee. We thought we were going to go to the pool but decided against it. Instead as a group of all the girls we watch Wimbledon all together, with crisps,sweets and everything! It was really nice! It is a good film as well! Although I had decided matt and I are never watching a romantic film together, it just isn't going to happen. They are best watched with girl friends or family.

It has been such a long and tiring day! Although my hair behaved itself my body didn't I think I lost more calories through sweating and walking than I did anything else i have done so far this week. It is insane! The grove was just a sea of tents! Hopefully when I get to post some images you will understand what I mean.

Tomorrow is another adventure.  

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