Friday 14 September 2012


I actually contributed in every one of my classes today, either adding something to the discussion or just asking a question. But still i am really proud of myself. I can feel myself getting more confident and understanding more even in my harder classes. I have talked to more people, i mean a load of girls are going to study together next week and i am going along as well. Make sure we all have notes ready for the midterm. I am kinda nervous they might know it better than me.

I have so much to do over this weekend and it is a massive game this weekend as well.

My day was prwetty standard i got some work done in the library and went to Walmart to get a few pieces, i got some more food to try and get myself eating a little more and eating better stuff for me as well. I am looking forward to trying new stuff. I got to Skype Matt this morning which was really nice, it was strange not talking to him for a day but like i have said before we are going to have to get used to it unfortunately.

On the way back from Walmart, we got talking to this guy from Texas and as he was getting off the bus he gave us $50!! How insane is that? apparently it was for the party we are having this weekend! it was just astounding i couldnt believe it.

I returned to my flat and chilled for a little while before deciding some work needed to be done. So i am currently sat in the computer room in the club house although i have finished my work. I got involved in an argument that was going on when i left and it has escalated. I dont know why i was getting involved but either way. It ended up me wanting to scream at someone from my past - he is child and i am so glad i took a step back. Either way when i was trying to leave the conversation somethings were said. it ended up us talking about my current relationship. I am seething right now, it is none of his business and he cannot say i am like every other girl out there. he has no right to speak to me like that. In all honesty why should i care but at the same time I considered him a friend, well i guess this is built up anger he has had accumulated. If he hates me so what? I dont hate him, i have no reason to hate him.

Anyway, you lovely people don't want to hear about this idiot. I have finished the first draft of my paper that is due on Tuesday so i can work on that on Monday and refine it ready to hand in on Tuesday.

I am looking forward to relaxing for the rest of this evening  and sleeping, getting ready for Tomorrow's Adventure.

I have an idea - if you are reading this why not comment where you are from so i get a good idea of where i am reaching? Just interested - if not then s'all good. 

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