Sunday 16 September 2012


I got to Skyping my parents and matt lot today which was lovely, great to have long conversations and properly explain things and talk about stuff that's bothering me etc. I managed to get a fair amount of work done although still not as much as I would have liked and hoped. As per usual.

I watched some films while studying which helped me get through some stuff but in hindsight probably didn't help. I have literally been in my room all day studying or eating. And in all honesty right now I feel like complete shit and I don't know why?

I got to watch one of my favourite films The Blindside and finally got all the ole miss references and it was great. I don't know if it's coz I'm tired or what but either way my day has been unexciting I hope you all had a better day than me.

Tomorrow is another better adventure. 

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