Tuesday 11 September 2012


The 11th 'anniversary' of an awful deed.

Although it must be said this fact did not hinder my day at all, in fact the only difference I physically saw was that there were military everywhere and they were all dressed in their no.1's. It was nice to see them all out honouring their country and the people that died. Classes were no different, although Taylor didn't turn up today so notes are doing to be given to him at some point I think. There was no minute silence or anything it was really strange.

Either way my Tuesday went on as normal I swam half a mile today which is the minimum aim for every time I swim. 36 lengths. Not much to ask in about 25/30 minutes. Just Everytime I half to bump it up getting closer and closer to that mile which I will hopefully be doing by the end of the semester. If not I am going to continue swimming as long as I have to. I need to keep my fitness up. Although now I have a gym playlist on my iPod going to the gym is looking really favourable instead. But I will never give up the water lets be honest.

Before I went swimming however I went to go and see one of my professor to talk over a paper and just make sure I was on the right lines and check over some of his comments, it was really useful and i found out that it was one of the better papers in the class. In all honesty there was not much wrong with it, it needed another reading over properly before handing it in and it needed a few more specific themes and events mentioned. So at least that is something to work on for the next paper.

To leap ahead, I managed to burn off calories that I ended up eating again at lunch!  Swear if I could cut carbs from my diet I would! But there is nothing eske on offer bar salad and I'm sorry but salad every day for lunch even if you do try and spice it up Everytime is never going to be exciting to anyone.

After eating I proceeded to the library as per usual, where whilst attempting to do my work I got into a chat with my dad which although was really nice and I got to share some stories with him. The work wanted to be done - thank god it wasnt important and I can do it again sometime.

After my final class of the day, Gaby. Hannah and I went to help Rob scan something to send back to his university. Always hilarious watching guys mess with technology. Standard bussing home and checking the mail. I starting doing work - tried to talk to matt and it failed miserably. I got to clear a few worries of mine though. I know I worry too much and I am trying to cool it but when you love someone as much as I love him, you get worries occasionally. It's hard being away for so long as well and when things arent going right they aren't just round the corner to make it all better. There have been tonnes of time I have wanted to come homes and curl up with my mum, sister, friends from uni, or matt but I haven't been able to.

This independence thing is bloody scary when you seem chucked in the deep end. Im getting there I think... At least I hope I am. I definitely feel I am growing as an individual already. Although I have to admit I am looking forward to going home and sharing this with everyone. I am having a great time out here too.

Anyway, he doing reading and work, eating and guess what? I ended up watching films again, happy feet 2 I believe was the first one, a nice film! And then fast and furious 5 I think. After a quick singing session, I just went out onto the balcony and sang, I needed it. I haven't felt like I can sing in ages! I always feel like people dont enjoy it and numerous times I have been told to stop because I do it too much. I have gotten out of habit now.

Either way was a nice evening if not greatly productive. I tried some drink of Hyein's today as well, milk and ground up range of beans and rice really nuitrious and tasted alright but definitely an acquired taste but I'm sure I could get used to it. The range of cultures I'm experiencing out here is just amazing.

Tomorrow is yet another adventure! 

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