Thursday 27 September 2012


This post is for wednesday

Right this post is actually kinda on time. I am in bed all tucked up.

Right morning - pretty standard. Got my midterm paper back from middle ages I got a B- which isn't so bed when you think in American terms, however I got my conversion rates for back into English, I am getting 2.2's and thirds. I need to do more work i am literally going to have to do all I can to get those grades up I am going to see all my professors to talk to them about getting my grade up. API am also seriously considering dropping that middle ages class. I don't think I can devote the time that it needs, I just thinki am spreading myself too thinly. I am going to talk to home and see what my options are and get my head sorted.

After all my classes I studied in the library grabbed some lunch and studied some more. Ian yet again joined me at times it only very little. I spent about 5/6 hours in the library today and the majority of it on my own. I got a load of work done though which was good. Watched some interesting ted videos. I had managed to Skype Matt in the morning so now I was able to type to my parents whilst doing work intermitedly. It was lovely. I was going to stay late on cam again like yesterday but I got to a point when i think I needed to go home so I waited 15 minutes for the last bus. I wish I had stayed now, probably got rode done.

I spent my evening actually cooking a meal, talking for a long time to Patricia, which was really nice we both got to talk about stuff that was worrying and bothering us. It was good to get to share those things. But also share experiences we have had. I am so happy with my room mates, I need to take more pictures of these American people I talk about and also my room mates. We are all so busy and I'm never really in the same place as my American friends where I can take photos. But I'm sure I will get the opportunity at some point.

I have written up all my lectures notes for my midterms now which I am really pleased about. All of them done! Just got to read back through them and revise them in time for the actual exams. I am still worried about them of course any normal human being would be. But American doesn't seem to make a big deal out of them unfortunately thy are for me. After showing some of my friend the conversion they now understand the pressure I am under and the things I have to deal with.

Stressfull, I know I am on the verge of burning out, I am glad I am forcing myself to have a weekend off this weeke

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