Sunday 9 September 2012


Today hasn't been busy it has just been mad!

I have done all my reading (almost) for this week, which is not a problem at all. I had a relavitvely relaxing morning. I had a 30mins stint in the gym which felt really good and got myself sorted for the day. My parents then gave me some bad news and some of my affairs back home,  admittedly I was pissed and shouldn't have taken it out on them. I was so angry and ending up yelling at them and at Matt - not good! I didn't how else to respond, I though i had arranged everything so it sold go belly up when I left, but to be best something is always going to go wrong somewhere along the line with a trip like this. It was inevitable and I could have reacted so much better to that situation.

After this stress and matt had managed to calm me down, I went to pool and chilled out there did some more reading. I only stayed an hour and a bit. It was enough to top up the tan and chill out with some good company. I was sat for a while with Hannah, Alice, Catherine, Gaby and Aimee, when the majority of those left I was joined by Alex, Malcolm, Tony, Jamie and Calum. It was really funny telling stories about what happened to them at the game and in the grove etc. i don't think I stopped laughing the whole time I was with them.

I returned back to my apartment and did some more reading in from some films, The First Daughter and Voyage of the Dawn Treader. They were good films and it was nice to chillax with them on whilst getting some reading done. Got to Skype matt again! Twice I am so lucky! Now just chilling in my room with Boyce Avenue in my ear and doing some more reading.

An alright day all in all, what more is there to say, apart from that blip in the middle. I am lucky to have understand people around me but I need to change otherwise I am going to ruin some of my relationships with people.

Tomorrow is another adventure, 

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