Friday 7 September 2012

Ladies that lunch

Classes today went well, I contributed massively to my colonial America class, I seemed to be the only one talking but no one else was saying anything and they were just interpretations of pictures and of the text we have to read for e paper. It really wasn't hard! I was shocked that such an esay class people were not trying to get point for participation. My map quiz in my native American class was good, relatively easy, I checked it afterwards and I did okay to be honest. I just have to keep ahead of the work and keep talking in class and just make sure I am staying clam about it all as well.

I grabbed a snack after also and then managed to Skype my mum and dad for about 30 mins just for a catch up and a chat and the rest of it. It's really nice getting to talk to them, although I sometimes think people think I am crazy sitting on a bench talking to myself basically. I manage to do it in the morning as well with Matt, morning skypes are always fun. :)

I went to the library it this time not to do work but to upLoad some videos to Facebook which didn't end up happening. I did some thinking and planning for the future as well, kinda scary stuff but at the same time it needed to be thought about. I need a longish term plan - I.e. what am I doing after I graduate?! Anyway I am getting side tracked.

The main event for today was the lunch with the English girls! We walked tothe square and ate unch in Ajax, I went simple and had a burger but there looked like some lovely meals coming out. Gonna have to be more adventorous when it comes to food. It was really nice sat chatting and talking about stuff that had happened to us recently like Alice had referenced the wrong person in her essay. Immy had had a 'date' with a guy who had snuck her into the Football stadium and they had been sat there drinking champagne! How romantic! We are literally a load of hopeless romantics it sounded like something out of a film!! Typical girls I know. 

Either way, we then went shopping round the square looking at shoes dresses and the shopes generally. One shop we visited was literally full of Greek life stuff! Every single sorority had something there whether it was writing paper or a cup or a plastic badge it was insane! I knew Greek life was big but wow! I mean wow! They also don't seem to understand that we don't have the same thing in England like at all! I got some postcards which was nice espeically the old school ones i have bought they are like faded! They are going straight in my scrapbook at home. 

It was a great lunch out, it was good to spend time with the girls and get to see them and talk more. We even got talking about politics at lunch, and American politics at that?! 

We got a bus home, I had a post card from my mum which was really nice to get.i love getting mail from home! :). I love getting mail full stop! I spent about an hour by the pool topping up my tan and then came in, I have then spent the evening chilling and doing whatever the hell I want. I feel guilty for not doing any work but I will do loads on Sunday and will work all through the week as well. I knw that much. it's all good I will get on top of it, well ahead of it I'm sure. I deserve one night off surely? So to carry on reading my book and chilling out and hopefully early bed to get some work done tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow is still another adventure! 

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