Wednesday 26 September 2012


I am so sorry this post is so late, I have been so busy,

Right what did happen yesterday. I did better in the quiz in my reformation Europe moodule. My slavery module we have serious discussion after watching a documentary of the de Wolfe family who were major slavers in Rhode Island. It was really interesting. Especially the discussion afterwards, it got really heated. This is clearly a topic of great discussion. And it was good to have such a great talk about it. Although the majority of people were talking were those that were white mainly. Interesting.

Lunch I spent with malcolm, Jamie and maddi, it was nice we talked about some stuf that is going on in trails and the gossip and such. Library to do work after wards then onto my afternoon class. After this Gaby and I went to the library and did some work. Ian joined us again. I think we got a lot done but it's hard to tell when you have such a long to do list.

Matt is getting worse...he is still ill and it keeps worrying me! Bt there is nothing I can do. I was meant to join the girls for the evening but I didn't, I decided that I needed to do work. Admittedly I got a lot done but still the to do list keeps growing.

I know I am going to burn myself out but I am trying not to stress and eveyrone around me is different. Some are stressing and some are calm. I have no midddle ground. I think I need two weeks of stress and thn I can calm down and get organized again. I still have to make the decision on middle ages.

Today's adventure has already begun. So will tell you later. 

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