Tuesday 4 September 2012


Had a bit of shock to the system today, we had a quiz in my reformation reading I had done. When he was going through stuff before we went into the 5 quiz Id question paper. None of it was ringing any bells or anything. I didn't help I was so tired and didn't feel ready for it in any case. I haven't got the next book so I don't know what I am going to do there. I will have to look on the Internet and in the library and see what I can get a hold of. I handed in my paper for that class as well - first piece of work in, it's begun! The semester has officially begun now I have to keep calm and get work done. Scary stuff.

I managed to go swimming today however my left arm started giving me jib so I had to get out early which was really annoying. But it will be fine, I have Thursday to work on it. Also I had to share my lane with a guy who was many years my senior and didn't stop for the whole time I was with him.he really put me to shame and showed me how much I have left to do with my swimming and my fitness.  I am enjoying swimming a lot, it is great time and place to clear my head and sort everything out and get some perspective and reality on things. I must say it did really help today - I needed it, plus it woke me up as well.

I managed to get some work done in the library, started another assignment which I later did a detailed plan on so I am hoping to get a first draft done of soon. Shouldnt be too hard, I do have a few questions though but I am sure they will be sorted out tomorrow. I think my English friends are starting to get worried about it, I confessed today that I am only really having one proper meal a day - today that wasn't the case may I add. But generally that is how my day goes. It is how I did it at Uni and it seems I have continued the practise out here. I see no issue but others seem to, I am taking multivitamins and exercising. I am taking care of myself.

Afternoon class was good, it finished early - I think she was expecting more discussion on the topics but I don't think many people read the reading. And everyone seemed to agree with each other therefore there wasn't much discussion. Oops. Anyway, after a few stops off I went home and skyped Matt which was nice, although it was late for him and I felt awful for it, I was really glad to see his face and get to talk to him. I wish it was as easy with others as well. Timetables keep clashing and everything, it's hard to keep in touch with people. It will be even harder when the universities go back  though.

I need to stay relaxed and clam and focussed and get enough sleep. It's gonna be difficult because I need to make sure I get good grades in order to match my time when I got home to Reading.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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