Monday 24 September 2012

Midterm #1

I got one paper back this morning and got a B which was awesome news!

However my class after this was awful! I had a midterm exam! And it was so hard! It consisted of ID questions which are basically, the lecturers gives a name and you have to put century, location and their significance. Which sounds easy but I hadn't studied any of it in a lot depth so it was really hard for me. The essay question at the end was similarly terrible! I havent done the reading for the classes because the books are ridiculously expensive and there is no point because I am here for a term only. However if I decide to continue with this course I need to buy at least one. Altough currently I am considering dropping it. I am going to wait until I get my results and then make a decision. I am in no position to make one now.

After my exam I had another class which was fine. Matt sent me a message half way through class that almost made me cry. So lovely. After my lunch with Sarah I went to the library where I found Ian finalising a paper so isat and we chatted for a bit while we did some work. I know multitasking crazy!!

I got a bit done in the three hours I was there and came home and did some more. My abs are still hurting i know for sure I haven't had enough to eat or drink today, I have given up on counting calories, I am eating when I am hungry. Nothing more I can do. 

But as I was saying to my dad earlier today I am feeling good in myself. I am feeling better ragout myself. I looked back at some photos of my past size and I was shocked! I was a chubby girl! I was so cuddly! I had no dress sense either! Thank you to all my friends who have helped. But I still have bits to change and more challenges ahead. 

So to bed now and prepare for tomorrow adventure. 

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