Thursday 6 September 2012

Hair colour

Classes were usual, answering questions, reading in old English and writing frantic notes as the professors talk. My courses keep over lapping slightly which is good as it means I have more information to collect from, especially when it comes to papers.

After class i skyped steph, who I haven't talk to in a while and got an update and we chated for a bit. Lunch I sat with Alice and Sophie and we discussed classes and the american way of living and of education. We all agreed it was madness. I then heading to the library to find and take out my next book. Although I'm starting to think I don't need it. Just one research paper is confusing me abut how he wants it done.

My Skype with matt in the early morning was also good, I really like getting up in order to talk to him. It kind of starts my day off. It ashame timing is so poor so I don't get to talk to my parents a lot.

Anyway, I met Hannah in the library and got a little bit of work done before, joining Gaby and heading to Walmart, we managed to get a lift there from Gaby's global ambassador! And we got a taxi home, Hannah and Gaby watched as I put stuff into my trolley and commented again that I am not being healthy and not eating properly. What am I meant to do if I am not hungry? I am starting to miss cooking in my own kitchen where I have access to everything, all the food I need and all the utensils I need to cook a pasta bake for example or something similar.

We got a taxi back from Walmart and Hannah helped me carry it all back to my apartment where she stayed for a little bit to watch me dye my hair! It was so exciting, my hair was starting to go very red/ ginger which is not a problem it just looked really faded. I have dyed it a dark brown, it looks good although I miss my purple hair greatly! An evening of chilling, doing reading and work and distracting myself.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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