Wednesday 19 September 2012

Memory Stick

It's times like this I am gal I'd get up that extra bit early to Skype matt. I got onto cams was just eating online when I realised I had forgotten my memory stick, normally this wouldn't be an issue but it so happened I had a paper in today and therefore needed to finish it and print it off. I couldn't bear it being late. So I had to get back on a bus to trails to get my memory stick to then get back on a bus to campus in order to work on that piece of work. I would have tried to Skype matt again but he had gone to the doctors, my man isn't very well. Anyhow, I got to work on it a little, change some pieces and do the footnotes properly changing all the page numbers. 

Classes were pretty standard all day, the quiz in my reformation class wasn't so bad. Swimming was brilliant, 44 lengths in 30 minutes (a little less than) I am definitely getting better. I am so proud of myself, swimming twice a week and gym twice a week. I need to keep this up. Even if I drop the gym occasionally I always need to make time for swimming in some capacity. So relaxing and enjoyable I love being the water. Lunch was next and got talk to Jordan for while. Then it was onto the library as per usual to work some more on this paper, print it and only then could I relax. Although I didn't really relax I started reading another book for another assignment, I always am working on something - turning into some sort of workaholic. It makes the time go quickly though. 

I also introduced myself to a real coffee from Starbucks today and I have to admit, it was lovely. I just had a mocha. Simple I know but it was perfect! I never thought I would be a convert but you never know. Coffee may end up being my best friend. 

Evening in the afternoon was standard. Class and the bus home. Once home I found I had another package from Auntie Deby!! More wall decorations and food to keep my going. 

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