Wednesday 19 September 2012


I have to say I never thought this would be a title of a blog post on here. It is not so much outside that is cold but the classrooms and to be honest not a lot of interest stuff has happened today. This morning sarted off with my skyping matt and talking him Although this time I went into the student union instead of sitting outside. I watched a load of what I think we're photo journalism students taking photographs of the early morning as well. either way I proceeded to the library with matt on Skype to buy a coffee and set myself up for the day to find - I had left my purse at home! Doh! Oh well no coffee for me this morning which is a shame because I need it at the moment.

Classes proceeded as usual, actually got some good advice from one of my professors abut how to go about my research paper. I think I am going to do it on the Crusades. I am going to figure out a question soon so I can get started on reading and planning what I am going to write about. I got to IM my parents as well today which was lovely got to chat to home, my cousin also added me on Skype and my uncle emailed me. It is interesting to see that people are taking an interest. I am missing home emensely, it's only when I am alone though in the evenings when I am doing work. And stuff I just miss being close to people. 

Moving on, we had lunch at the JC today, Rob, Joe, Sophie, Alice, Wijnand and I. It cost $9 but it was all you could eat but I promise you I will not be going there until I get my appetite up. I had to pay on my ole miss express as well. After lunch being scared about the spiders that there are in this area. I went to the library again, this time I managed to finish my notes for my paper. I now just need to plan the essays then I can just type them up. So stressful, so much work. I have midterms coming up as well. My home university hasn't even gone back yet! 

When I was walking back to the bus I met Hannah and we both decided it was home time. I got a parcel from my mum today, a lovely quote on a postcard and a card as well. Not to mention some lovely English chocolate! So happy! I don't know how long it will last if this stress keeps up though. 

From here I started my work for the evening , on a break I went over to Hannah and Gaby to email mysf some stuff from blackboard because otherwise I can't get a hold of it on my wireless device. I had to help Gaby dry her book it had gotten wet in her bag and we havoc two hair dryers on it, thank god it was her own copy and only worth $4 it seemed to double in size because of the crinkled pages. It was very funny though. After enough distracting them I came back to my apartment and did some more work and watched Chicago. I havent got as much done as I would have hoped but I amsure I will pay for it later. I am just so tired. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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