Monday 17 September 2012

Living life

There can be no specific title for today's oat because nothing major happened. Well I has rained all day, lightly . So it feels like like England slightly. Bt class went on as usual I got a paper back and it was a C+ not too happy about it but as I have doe with the others I am going to go and see what I could have done better. I am trying to see my professor for middle ages class but whenever I try and talk to him privately he just says that I need to ask it in class because a lot of students would benefit for it. Picking a topic for a research paper is hard and last time I did it I had help in deciding my topic, he seems to be giving my no support in the matter whatsoever.

Anyway moving on, when I got to the library after lunch I realised I had forgotten my memory stick so the work I wanted to work on, I couldn't. Which was upsetting its a good job I have plenty of other work to be getting on with then. Oh I forgot to mention I got to talk to matt today, in the morning which was lovely. But he is Ill at the moment and needs some tlc. Which I was there to look after him, even though he is old enough to look after himself. He needed a cuddle.

 When I cam back to trails I found out that everyone was not going to Zumba tonight so I wasn't going to get my nice long gym session in the big gym on campus so went down the little one in trails. I don't know how long I was there I just know I was working on my legs the whole time. I also checked my mail and found a returned letter - I had put the wrong Zip code doh!! Came back to my apartment been surfing the Internet for a bit. I checked my emails and found a piece of really and news. The New Orleans trip I was meant to be going on this weekend has been cancelled. The hotel overbooked! Not Happy! They a going to try and reschedule but having given us any dates to go off, they said we can pull out if we want. I don't know what people are doing yet. I don't know what I should do in fact. I think I will see how this plans out. People are planning on making a trip on our own down there but I don't know how they would work out. I was really looking forward to it as well!! Very upset about this and slightly angry as well.

But these things happen and all we can do is move on and get over it. I have a midterm on monday so I guess it's a good thing I am not going so I can revise for that and I can also work on my essays due in the weeks after etc. not a lot we can do about it unfortunately.

Anyway a very boring rest of the evening planned for me, writing up of notes and revising really. Oh well. Tomorrow is another adventure, without rain preferably.

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