Thursday 13 September 2012

Study abroad fair

Classes went really well today, I was able to contribute and I got to talk to my professor about the plan I have made for her paper. She is awesome!!! We got talking about all sorts, from students that make us loose faith in education to differences between England and America it was great.

I managed to push up my swimming for 40 lengths today which I am really proud of in 25 minutes. After swimming and all my morning events I went to the study abroad fair to talk to student who were considering going to the UK to study there were some that we're genuinely interested and other just curious and some people who plainly didn't care. It was still good to get to all to people about coming abroad and seeing what they think and what they though about it all etc. it was good, just like an open day at uni or at school but for almost the whole of the UK.

After my time on campus was over I joined Hannah in the grove where there were hundreds of students, with pink things on and in t-shirts we later found out it was a care walk for Breast Cancer something similar to the Race for Life in the UK. Alice came and joined us and we went to the Grove for the Pep Rally. In all honesty it was nothing like I expected, just getting hype things being thrown around and lots of chanting etc but nothing really of consequence. It was still good to be there, a lot of Oxford Natives were shaking players hands and being like don't worry I will be there to support you and stuff like they were thier amply it was very strange I must say.

Alice, immy, Hannah and I all then went to High Point Coffee and sat there and talked just generally chilled, I had an iced latte which I had never had before. It was alright, I think I am going to have to get used o the taste of coffee, tea out here it's just not right. It's not normal tea! Either way we sat there for about a hour and a bit before having o get a taxi back to trails and immy had a meal to get to.

Back at trails, chilling - no work done which is not good, lying in bed surfing the web and chilling. I got a few messages from my parents today asking if I was still alive - no one has heard from me in days, I got so caught up in stuff, I was updating my blog I just hadn't spoken to my family. That's awful isn't it?! I feel so bad for it. I got to talk a little to Matt today but only typing, we are oth getting busier and aren't going to all for a few days ow, which I am kinda upset about. I love waking up and being able to see his face. But it's just going to get harder and the days go on and we get busier with uni and social life etc. so unfortunately I am going to have to get used to it. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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