Friday 21 September 2012


Midterms are looming and the professors are not letting us forget it! It is mental - so stressful! But either way classes passed without much of a care today and after saying to myself I wasn't going to do a massive shop until next week I ended up going to Walmart. Admittedly I only got a few things, like mouthwash, floss, cereal bars, ole miss hoodie from rebel rags and a present for Sam's birthday. I am thinking that if I get little things along the way then I don't have to worry about it all at the end.

I have planned what I am getting almost everyone for xmas and birthdays and the such like. Well almost I have a basic plan. I am finally getting organised which I am so chuffed about. I am hoping I am going to get into some good habits out here with regardless to writing letters, time management, and planning my life. I seem to have done well so far but it is creeping up on me at the moment and I am slightly stressing. I know this because I am getting stressed about tiny little things, very annoying.

Either way, I got to talk a little to my mum and to Matt today which was nice. I didn't get much ok done which I am kind of annoyed at in all honesty but I think I am going to do a late night session soon and just get loads of work done I am going to need to! Gaby said she would join me if I did.

When I got back to trails I helped carry Hannah's stuff back o hers and I chilled there for a while. rob showed us the bites he had just from being in Gaby's room for like 5 minutes, they are so swollen! They make his biceps look even bigger than they already are! He is fitness mad, on protein and the lot he is training Gaby and Hannah up I think. He is being a personal trainer bless him! I picked up my post when I wonder back to my building, Hyein had a letter from her boyfriend and I had a postcard from my mum! Another thing to go on my wall. I am going to try and keep all these things and made a kind of memory book with them all in.

I didn't have time to do a lot because then I was back out to get the bus back to campus. We grabbed some dinner, I just had some frozen yoghurt, and then proceeded to the Ford Centre for this drama production. The complete history of America abridged, and although they began by insulting the British and talking about a girl from Warwickshire, it was very amusing. They made it funny which was nice, we go confetti thrown at us, and water squirted at us. It was very good and very concise. It kept it to the key points really which was really good. Some part of it didn't really fit but it was alright. He gave me nice break from studying although it did feel really guilty for doing no work..

We then walked home and decided we were going to watch a film. Although, Gaby, Catherine and I walk faster than the rest of them we sped ahead. But when we got back to Hannah and Gaby's apartment, Hannah, alice and Aimee were already back! jammy gits had snagged a lift of a friend who was driving back to trails! Jammy!!! But I liked the walk in all fairness.

We then began to watch legally blonde - brilliant film. We only got about 40 mins through when I was falling asleep in my chair the tv started playing up so we decided to leave it for a night and go to bed. Sat in bed now I am now going to try and read some more before sleeping!

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

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