Sunday 23 September 2012


This is how I am feeling today. Yesterday was a brilliant day,

Started really nice talking to Matt thn gym and talking to Matt again. I then went down the pool talked to my parents and actually got a lot of work done. You would be surprised. Got all my notes written up basically for my exams this week. It was awesome! Had a little palava over lunch I had to pull out my angry voice/business voice and talk to the guys that were meant to be delivering it. Somehow I have got this reputation for being a great angry person if that makes sense. Either way, my book arrived I had the rest of my lunch for my tea. I did work straight almost from 12-8 it was good.

So I deserved a night out. I went to Robs party! It was a good night! Rob kicked up a fuss about something. But I got to meet someone else from one of my classes I already know who it was but he didn't know me by name. He knew by voice I was in his class but didn't know who I was. How strange is that. But Ian was really cool. I got to meet Alphonso and Justin as well. They are all really cool. Alphonso said he was going to take me to Atlanta at some point tht would be amazing! I wold love get out there for a weekend. Either way I didn't end up leaving the party til about 5am just because I was asking to them. I then came back and crashed!

So today I absolutely dead! Soo tired I need to get back into this routine for whn I go back to uni! Such a good day. 

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