Sunday 2 September 2012


Started as every other Sunday 3 hours on Skype to parents and matt discussing stuff and talking about things, my plan for doing work had gone down the drain. Although I did get a few bits and pieces done later in the day.

At 1pm I went down to the pool and met Aimee, after chilling there lynch for a little bit, Carlos came and told us about this party that was going on, after deliberating and discussing it, we decided to go along. We rode in the baked of Aziz's pick up truck! It was awesome! Wind in my hair riding through the countryside it was good. I am glad we decided to go.

We ended up at this massive house outside of campus with this huge pool, it was awesome. Aimee and I chilled there for a bit, we got to meet some new people learn a new game. It was a great decision to make. We caught a taxi home and I made a very basic dinner for me and her as we watched the beginning of oceans eleven. I love that film, Aimee decided to leave to get ready for the party this evening. I watched the rest of the film and did some reading before getting ready myself.

Party started well, apart from our ice machine is broken, I spent 15-20 mins cutting out with scissors and a knife, three Americans said it wouldn't be done and it was from stuck in there! Well I proved them wrong! People kept coming and coming, it go so hot in our apartment. I did what I could with the air conditioning. Then the storm hit. This is unlike anything. I have ever seen in my li, lightening that was lighting up the sky like never before, the clouds were glowing and although there was little thunder the rain soon came down. And this wasn't just torrential, this just kept coming and it didn't stop for hours! Catherine decided to leave and got soaking wet. I was so scared, I felt sorry of those trying to deal with, I have no rational reason to hate the thunder, rain and lightening I just do hate it and it really scares me. Only when is it in storm form does it scare me the most. Apart from that I can cope with it now. I think.

When the rain stopped people started to leave more and more, I started getting tired, it is difficult to mingle when everyone round you is speaking different languages and the english people are dispersed. I still had an awesome time, and even as I write this, the party is still going on. I am going to try and get some sleep or I might even read my book or something, it is madness out there. I have no idea what I am going to do for my birthday but I am really not feeling a party at this moment in time.

Either way - tomorrow is another adventure.

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