Sunday 30 September 2012


I forgot to mention that we saw a transvestite on brain street as well the other night! Strange!

Either way today was our last half a day in Nola, it's a good job I woke up at 9 naturally my alarm didn't go off. But still we got ready checked out of the hotel and left our luggage in a secure place. We then went and found this oceana place to breakfast. Pancakes with strawberries and sausage! It was delicious, 3 large pancakes with maple syrup on the side ( better than UK syrup I have to say) and sliced strawberries and the two slices of sausage! Yummy yummy! It was great I loved it!it was only like 3 blocks from the hotel as well.

After breakfast it turns out we arrived late back at the hotel and then we all boarded the coach ready for the long ass drive home. Jasmin and I got to talk some more whilst driving through what could only be described at swamp country. It was remarkable so green! It rained heavier coming home so that made as feel a little better. We were all so tired people were taking naps left right and centre! Even I had a 30 min nod! Jas and I decided to sit on seperated seats so we cold stretch out and cuddle up and sleep better. I did a little work every now and again when I was sleeping. Half way home we stopped at a mall, this is where some serious shopping was done, I am going to throw away all my old tops son I think, I don't think I will wear them again. It was so much better shopping than in Nola!

We had to quickly grab food to go and then back on the coach for eating more sleeping and a little more studying. The time seemed to go but traveling is always tiring whether it be two hours or seven. Arrived back in trails earlier than expected, shared stories with Patty and talked about her mad weekend as well! It was really cool. Then chilled out a little, tried again in vain to get the new software so dunno what I am going to do about that! Anyway, in bed ready to sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

New Orleans!

Okay so my first full day in New Orleampnz! A couple of things I forgot to mention about last night, we saw a rather large lady dancing, being over, and this old man, behind her smacking her ass with both hands! It was soo strange. I hate to be judgmental, but there were some later women and men out last night and they were just going for it! Fair play that they have the confidene but it was just really shocking. One woman we saw had just a little dress on and it was only just covering her nipples! Not only this we kept getting thrown beads as well. We never caught them or picked them up unlike others but we found out today what they mean. Their history is that any girl who showed the guys on the balconies their tits was thrown a set of beads! How insane is that?! To be honest is hard to tell which girls on the balconies are there for a good time or to sell themselves. There were so many sex shops and strip clubs down there as well it was insane.

It was incredibly surreal and it wasn't expecting it to be that tacky but I knew it would be bad if that makes sense.

Right onto what happened today. Today was. Exploring day we had the wole day to do whatever we wanted, getting up at 9 after like 5 hours sleep probably wasn't the best idea in the world but we needed to get up and get on with it! Jasmin, Alice, Aimee and I all went to a place called Antionne's annex, which was a small cafe off a larger posher restaurant. We had grabbed some breakfast and the moved on down to Jackson square and st louis cathedral. The Cathedral was really nice and despite the rain we managed to keep our spirits high. Walking through the square we came across a road where the pavement was full of horses and carts, it was so fixed for tourists. Later on in the day, Aimee and Alice and Wijnand went and had a ride for $15 a person for a 30 mins trip. Seemed a bit steep to me. We moved on down to the French market however, this was similarly set up for tourists and also massively tacky I thought I would be able to get some nice t shirts or some sort of souvenirs for my family and friends and I was kinda disappointed. It wasn't as original as I expected at all.

From here and after meeting Wijnand we moved onto finding Frenchman street because that is where Aimee and Alice and Wijnand wanted to go this evening. ( I can tell you now, Alice and Aimee didn't go) Jasmin and I were never going to go, we did not feel safe down there. It looked dodgy and just didn't feel right at all. It was more of a residential area than anything else. We got the streetcar from the end of the market to back up to near Cafe du Monde. We then had Beignets and coffee's for like $5 a piece! It was amazing! They were so fattening but they tasted so good! So much icing sugar. We found a mini version  later and found it is literally just batter that is deep fried! Still tastes good though. Reminded me of Princess and the Frog and although I would love to try gumbo I don't think I would like it too much.

After our beignets we split off, Jasmin and I went shopping and the others went on their horse ride. jasmin and I had an awesome time, we went to hard rock and bubba gump shop and then down to the river walk mall. The Mall wasn't what we executed at all, I have got some souvenirs though. We met someone from England as well, and it turns out they are like from 20 mins away from my hometown how crazy is that! It. Was just amazing! We met some awesome people. I had a really good day. We dropped everything off at the hotel room. We then joined the others at the house of blues. It was really mic ebut it was sold out for this evening so we didn't eat there. We just chilled.

Wijnand went to a little cafe, bistro place to have a gator steak whereas, us girls went to bubba gump for dinner it was really nice but I couldnt finish it! Which sucked but the smoothies aimee and I had were lovely.

After this we returned to the hotel and chilled and watched part of the ole miss game we lost but the team we played is awesome and so I am so proud we put a score on the board.

Then jasmin and I decided to go to Bourbon street again. It was awesome! Such a good night and I think well deserved.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Saturday 29 September 2012


Today has been one of the longest days I swear!

All my classes were okay and my midterm was fine. Not much I can do about it to be honest. I went and saw almost all my other professors bar 1 and they are all saying that I am fine and that I can do stuff to improve my grade. I got to Skype talk to matt and parents. I made a complaint at the union coffee shop about the girl from yesterday. Um I got some work done this morning. I got about around 2:30 and then made sure I was ready and stuff. 

Bus at 4:30 and the a seven hour bus ride talking about all sorts with jasmin, got a Arby's on the way for dinner, we got here and got changed and then decided to wonder the infamous Bourbon street which to be honest was a disappointment. It wasn't a good as expected and in all honesty, most people were a hell of a lot older than us. I am in a room with jasmin, Alice and Aimee which is really nice. I have been buzzing this whole journey about getting here and seeing this all! It is amazing I can tell already! I am looking forward to exploring a lot more. Not a lot more to tell it has just been a long and stressful day to be honest.

Don't really know what else to say other than...

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Thursday 27 September 2012


This post is for wednesday

Right this post is actually kinda on time. I am in bed all tucked up.

Right morning - pretty standard. Got my midterm paper back from middle ages I got a B- which isn't so bed when you think in American terms, however I got my conversion rates for back into English, I am getting 2.2's and thirds. I need to do more work i am literally going to have to do all I can to get those grades up I am going to see all my professors to talk to them about getting my grade up. API am also seriously considering dropping that middle ages class. I don't think I can devote the time that it needs, I just thinki am spreading myself too thinly. I am going to talk to home and see what my options are and get my head sorted.

After all my classes I studied in the library grabbed some lunch and studied some more. Ian yet again joined me at times it only very little. I spent about 5/6 hours in the library today and the majority of it on my own. I got a load of work done though which was good. Watched some interesting ted videos. I had managed to Skype Matt in the morning so now I was able to type to my parents whilst doing work intermitedly. It was lovely. I was going to stay late on cam again like yesterday but I got to a point when i think I needed to go home so I waited 15 minutes for the last bus. I wish I had stayed now, probably got rode done.

I spent my evening actually cooking a meal, talking for a long time to Patricia, which was really nice we both got to talk about stuff that was worrying and bothering us. It was good to get to share those things. But also share experiences we have had. I am so happy with my room mates, I need to take more pictures of these American people I talk about and also my room mates. We are all so busy and I'm never really in the same place as my American friends where I can take photos. But I'm sure I will get the opportunity at some point.

I have written up all my lectures notes for my midterms now which I am really pleased about. All of them done! Just got to read back through them and revise them in time for the actual exams. I am still worried about them of course any normal human being would be. But American doesn't seem to make a big deal out of them unfortunately thy are for me. After showing some of my friend the conversion they now understand the pressure I am under and the things I have to deal with.

Stressfull, I know I am on the verge of burning out, I am glad I am forcing myself to have a weekend off this weeke

Midterm #2

I forgot to mention yesterday that our washing machine had broken so I woke up this morning with clothes that were still wet. So I had to put them on again, they had been dryer for over 2 hours becz fire they were dry. Crazy! All together I haven't had a brilliant day but it could have been a lot worse.

I'm not going to rant and rave on here because it isn't the place to do it and I have done enough of it today. my class this morning went fine I got to answer some questions in class and I also found out that I am set for an A in participation in that class which is good. I didn't get to go swimming today hae too much to do, I did however reach my 48 lengths goal of Tuesday so I didn't feel so bad missing this session. After my meeting with this professor I went to the union grabbed some food had a lovely conversation with the dinner ladies and the gentlemen ordering before me. Quite interesting comparing cultures, I have had to explain what a crumpet is twice today. I have been compliment a lot today as well. Ladies in Starbucks and in the union have both said I was looking good today and they were glad to see me always smiling. I am worried that the Starbucks lady is going to learning I am soon enough so I will be able to go in and not even have to order as any other person. One of my fellow student also complimented me - weird! 

Anyway, after lunch I met with Alphonso to have coffee unfortunately I didn't last very long but I think we are going to do it again some time. It was really nice chatting to him. After this I got some work done, emailed myself some document for my reading in other subjects. I also got to chat to Annie this morning which was different but lovely to talk to her. I also talked a little to my parents and my sister which was equally nice. I wish I could talk to them more but I am just so busy at the moment. I hate to admit it but I am so busy that I am not really missing home until I come back to my apartment. 

My afternoon class was when my second midterm arrived. It was okay I left with about 30 mins to go and I think I did okay, but you never can tell. I grabbed a quick coffee from barnes and noble with Hannah while Gaby went for the bus. The lady who did our coffee was extremely slow, was having a conversation whilst doing it and so forgot the whipped cream on top of my mocha which wouldn't be a problem but we had to get a bus! It drove me mad! Grr I hate people like that. I do my best at work not to do that unless its deadly quiet, it was heaving there!!! So annoying! She is always like that though whenever she is making coffee's. 

Anyway bus home, more work got some essay plans done which was brilliant and some revision ready for tomorrow. I talked again to Annie which was nice, I also had a very quick chat with Sam, Char and Oz but only briefly. 

Anyway to end the night....guess.....more revision and now just chilling out. Trying to upload the new software to my devices but failing miserably and that is so frustrating. May have seemed like my day has actually been okay but I having spent most of it in a ball of stress wasn't fun. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Midterm #2

I forgot to mention yesterday that our washing machine had broken so I woke up this morning with clothes that were still wet. So I had to put them on again, they had been dryer for over 2 hours becz fire they were dry. Crazy! All together I haven't had a brilliant day but it could have been a lot worse.

I'm not going to rant and rave on here because it isn't the place to do it and I have done enough of it today. my class this morning went fine I got to answer some questions in class and I also found out that I am set for an A in participation in that class which is good. I didn't get to go swimming today hae too much to do, I did however reach my 48 lengths goal of Tuesday so I didn't feel so bad missing this session. After my meeting with this professor I went to the union grabbed some food had a lovely conversation with the dinner ladies and the gentlemen ordering before me. Quite interesting comparing cultures, I have had to explain what a crumpet is twice today. I have been compliment a lot today as well. Ladies in Starbucks and in the union have both said I was looking good today and they were glad to see me always smiling. I am worried that the Starbucks lady is going to learning I am soon enough so I will be able to go in and not even have to order as any other person. One of my fellow student also complimented me - weird! 

Anyway, after lunch I met with Alphonso to have coffee unfortunately it didn't last very long but I think we are going to do it again some time. It was really nice chatting to him. After this I got some work done, emailed myself some document for my reading in other subjects. I also got to chat to Annie this morning which was different but lovely to talk to her. I also talked a little to my parents and my sister which was equally nice. I wish I could talk to them more but I am just so busy at the moment. I hate to admit it but I am so busy that I am not really missing home until I come back to my apartment. 

My afternoon class was when my second midterm arrived. It was okay I left with about 30 mins to go and I think I did okay, but you never can tell. I grabbed a quick coffee from barnes and noble with Hannah while Gaby went for the bus. The lady who did our coffee was extremely slow, was having a conversation whilst doing it and so forgot the whipped cream on top of my mocha which wouldn't be a problem but we had to get a bus! It drove me mad! Grr I hate people like that. I do my best at work not to do that unless its deadly quiet, it was heaving there!!! So annoying! She is always like that though whenever she is making coffee's. 

Anyway bus home, more work got some essay plans done which was brilliant and some revision ready for tomorrow. I talked again to Annie which was nice, I also had a very quick chat with Sam, Char and Oz but only briefly. 

Anyway to end the night....guess.....more revision and now just chilling out. Trying to upload the new software to my devices but failing miserably and that is so frustrating. May have seemed like my day has actually been okay but I having spent most of it in a ball of stress wasn't fun. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Wednesday 26 September 2012


I am so sorry this post is so late, I have been so busy,

Right what did happen yesterday. I did better in the quiz in my reformation Europe moodule. My slavery module we have serious discussion after watching a documentary of the de Wolfe family who were major slavers in Rhode Island. It was really interesting. Especially the discussion afterwards, it got really heated. This is clearly a topic of great discussion. And it was good to have such a great talk about it. Although the majority of people were talking were those that were white mainly. Interesting.

Lunch I spent with malcolm, Jamie and maddi, it was nice we talked about some stuf that is going on in trails and the gossip and such. Library to do work after wards then onto my afternoon class. After this Gaby and I went to the library and did some work. Ian joined us again. I think we got a lot done but it's hard to tell when you have such a long to do list.

Matt is getting worse...he is still ill and it keeps worrying me! Bt there is nothing I can do. I was meant to join the girls for the evening but I didn't, I decided that I needed to do work. Admittedly I got a lot done but still the to do list keeps growing.

I know I am going to burn myself out but I am trying not to stress and eveyrone around me is different. Some are stressing and some are calm. I have no midddle ground. I think I need two weeks of stress and thn I can calm down and get organized again. I still have to make the decision on middle ages.

Today's adventure has already begun. So will tell you later. 

Monday 24 September 2012

Midterm #1

I got one paper back this morning and got a B which was awesome news!

However my class after this was awful! I had a midterm exam! And it was so hard! It consisted of ID questions which are basically, the lecturers gives a name and you have to put century, location and their significance. Which sounds easy but I hadn't studied any of it in a lot depth so it was really hard for me. The essay question at the end was similarly terrible! I havent done the reading for the classes because the books are ridiculously expensive and there is no point because I am here for a term only. However if I decide to continue with this course I need to buy at least one. Altough currently I am considering dropping it. I am going to wait until I get my results and then make a decision. I am in no position to make one now.

After my exam I had another class which was fine. Matt sent me a message half way through class that almost made me cry. So lovely. After my lunch with Sarah I went to the library where I found Ian finalising a paper so isat and we chatted for a bit while we did some work. I know multitasking crazy!!

I got a bit done in the three hours I was there and came home and did some more. My abs are still hurting i know for sure I haven't had enough to eat or drink today, I have given up on counting calories, I am eating when I am hungry. Nothing more I can do. 

But as I was saying to my dad earlier today I am feeling good in myself. I am feeling better ragout myself. I looked back at some photos of my past size and I was shocked! I was a chubby girl! I was so cuddly! I had no dress sense either! Thank you to all my friends who have helped. But I still have bits to change and more challenges ahead. 

So to bed now and prepare for tomorrow adventure. 


So after feeling like crap all day yesterday, I got very little done work wise. I talked to matt a little and my parents. But I was just too tired! I just couldn't function. I went over to hannah's to update her about the happening of the night before after she left. I managed to upload my photos and we chatted for ages. Rob came up for a bit and chatted with us as well. I do not really remember what we talked about! I was just so tired. Despite all this I did manage to do some work. Just not nearly as much as I should have. Serves me right.

I did manage to have a two hour nap! Then I got into bed and got a film on and then I got into bed and just fell asleep. This was around 8pm to then get up this morning and doze for like 20 mins. I have slept alright but I think I am going to have to do another another early night tonight. But at least I am able to function this morning.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

Sunday 23 September 2012


This is how I am feeling today. Yesterday was a brilliant day,

Started really nice talking to Matt thn gym and talking to Matt again. I then went down the pool talked to my parents and actually got a lot of work done. You would be surprised. Got all my notes written up basically for my exams this week. It was awesome! Had a little palava over lunch I had to pull out my angry voice/business voice and talk to the guys that were meant to be delivering it. Somehow I have got this reputation for being a great angry person if that makes sense. Either way, my book arrived I had the rest of my lunch for my tea. I did work straight almost from 12-8 it was good.

So I deserved a night out. I went to Robs party! It was a good night! Rob kicked up a fuss about something. But I got to meet someone else from one of my classes I already know who it was but he didn't know me by name. He knew by voice I was in his class but didn't know who I was. How strange is that. But Ian was really cool. I got to meet Alphonso and Justin as well. They are all really cool. Alphonso said he was going to take me to Atlanta at some point tht would be amazing! I wold love get out there for a weekend. Either way I didn't end up leaving the party til about 5am just because I was asking to them. I then came back and crashed!

So today I absolutely dead! Soo tired I need to get back into this routine for whn I go back to uni! Such a good day. 

Friday 21 September 2012


Midterms are looming and the professors are not letting us forget it! It is mental - so stressful! But either way classes passed without much of a care today and after saying to myself I wasn't going to do a massive shop until next week I ended up going to Walmart. Admittedly I only got a few things, like mouthwash, floss, cereal bars, ole miss hoodie from rebel rags and a present for Sam's birthday. I am thinking that if I get little things along the way then I don't have to worry about it all at the end.

I have planned what I am getting almost everyone for xmas and birthdays and the such like. Well almost I have a basic plan. I am finally getting organised which I am so chuffed about. I am hoping I am going to get into some good habits out here with regardless to writing letters, time management, and planning my life. I seem to have done well so far but it is creeping up on me at the moment and I am slightly stressing. I know this because I am getting stressed about tiny little things, very annoying.

Either way, I got to talk a little to my mum and to Matt today which was nice. I didn't get much ok done which I am kind of annoyed at in all honesty but I think I am going to do a late night session soon and just get loads of work done I am going to need to! Gaby said she would join me if I did.

When I got back to trails I helped carry Hannah's stuff back o hers and I chilled there for a while. rob showed us the bites he had just from being in Gaby's room for like 5 minutes, they are so swollen! They make his biceps look even bigger than they already are! He is fitness mad, on protein and the lot he is training Gaby and Hannah up I think. He is being a personal trainer bless him! I picked up my post when I wonder back to my building, Hyein had a letter from her boyfriend and I had a postcard from my mum! Another thing to go on my wall. I am going to try and keep all these things and made a kind of memory book with them all in.

I didn't have time to do a lot because then I was back out to get the bus back to campus. We grabbed some dinner, I just had some frozen yoghurt, and then proceeded to the Ford Centre for this drama production. The complete history of America abridged, and although they began by insulting the British and talking about a girl from Warwickshire, it was very amusing. They made it funny which was nice, we go confetti thrown at us, and water squirted at us. It was very good and very concise. It kept it to the key points really which was really good. Some part of it didn't really fit but it was alright. He gave me nice break from studying although it did feel really guilty for doing no work..

We then walked home and decided we were going to watch a film. Although, Gaby, Catherine and I walk faster than the rest of them we sped ahead. But when we got back to Hannah and Gaby's apartment, Hannah, alice and Aimee were already back! jammy gits had snagged a lift of a friend who was driving back to trails! Jammy!!! But I liked the walk in all fairness.

We then began to watch legally blonde - brilliant film. We only got about 40 mins through when I was falling asleep in my chair the tv started playing up so we decided to leave it for a night and go to bed. Sat in bed now I am now going to try and read some more before sleeping!

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

Thursday 20 September 2012


I missed talking to matt this morning because he had his bike test which he passed so congrats to him.

It did mean however that i got ever more work done today which was nice, I went to Starbucks and got a mocha coffee and a croissant which added to my breakfast. And got my reading done for tomorrow. I did miss talking to him though.

Class continued as usual, I didn't go swimming today instead I did some more work, I went back to trails to drop of my swimming kit and pick up some books to return and to do some reading, when I got back to campus and I had done what I needed to in the library I decided to sit outside. I went to Barnes and noble had another coffee, carmel mocha frap this time ( much too sweet for me) and sat down and did some more work. However it was paused by a lovely Skype session with my family. I know that whenever I am missing home too much i call them and they will remind me of the madness back home and make me forget about my stresses here. Olivia isn't missing me, I can tell from the way she talks to me, that she isn't really noticing I am not there. Which is nice in a way, she is progressing as normal without me.

So in the end I didn't do much of the reading that needed to but it doesn't matter I made up for wit when I came home after my last lesson. On the way back I brought a tickets for an event coming o and some forzen yoghurt. I seemed to have stopped counting calories. I should really carry on burin all honesty i think it will just get me more worried. I am eating when I am hungry that is the point.i am still eating.

When I did get back I got straight on with work, writing up midterm notes, I wanted to write essay plans as well tonight but sleep seems to be catching up with me. I'm just so tired. I have all of tomorrow afternoon though do reading, finish of my midterm notes and write those essay plans. Work load is piling up and the midterm are looming. My home uni hasn't even gone back to term yet. Depressing much!!

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Wednesday 19 September 2012


I have to say I never thought this would be a title of a blog post on here. It is not so much outside that is cold but the classrooms and to be honest not a lot of interest stuff has happened today. This morning sarted off with my skyping matt and talking him Although this time I went into the student union instead of sitting outside. I watched a load of what I think we're photo journalism students taking photographs of the early morning as well. either way I proceeded to the library with matt on Skype to buy a coffee and set myself up for the day to find - I had left my purse at home! Doh! Oh well no coffee for me this morning which is a shame because I need it at the moment.

Classes proceeded as usual, actually got some good advice from one of my professors abut how to go about my research paper. I think I am going to do it on the Crusades. I am going to figure out a question soon so I can get started on reading and planning what I am going to write about. I got to IM my parents as well today which was lovely got to chat to home, my cousin also added me on Skype and my uncle emailed me. It is interesting to see that people are taking an interest. I am missing home emensely, it's only when I am alone though in the evenings when I am doing work. And stuff I just miss being close to people. 

Moving on, we had lunch at the JC today, Rob, Joe, Sophie, Alice, Wijnand and I. It cost $9 but it was all you could eat but I promise you I will not be going there until I get my appetite up. I had to pay on my ole miss express as well. After lunch being scared about the spiders that there are in this area. I went to the library again, this time I managed to finish my notes for my paper. I now just need to plan the essays then I can just type them up. So stressful, so much work. I have midterms coming up as well. My home university hasn't even gone back yet! 

When I was walking back to the bus I met Hannah and we both decided it was home time. I got a parcel from my mum today, a lovely quote on a postcard and a card as well. Not to mention some lovely English chocolate! So happy! I don't know how long it will last if this stress keeps up though. 

From here I started my work for the evening , on a break I went over to Hannah and Gaby to email mysf some stuff from blackboard because otherwise I can't get a hold of it on my wireless device. I had to help Gaby dry her book it had gotten wet in her bag and we havoc two hair dryers on it, thank god it was her own copy and only worth $4 it seemed to double in size because of the crinkled pages. It was very funny though. After enough distracting them I came back to my apartment and did some more work and watched Chicago. I havent got as much done as I would have hoped but I amsure I will pay for it later. I am just so tired. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Memory Stick

It's times like this I am gal I'd get up that extra bit early to Skype matt. I got onto cams was just eating online when I realised I had forgotten my memory stick, normally this wouldn't be an issue but it so happened I had a paper in today and therefore needed to finish it and print it off. I couldn't bear it being late. So I had to get back on a bus to trails to get my memory stick to then get back on a bus to campus in order to work on that piece of work. I would have tried to Skype matt again but he had gone to the doctors, my man isn't very well. Anyhow, I got to work on it a little, change some pieces and do the footnotes properly changing all the page numbers. 

Classes were pretty standard all day, the quiz in my reformation class wasn't so bad. Swimming was brilliant, 44 lengths in 30 minutes (a little less than) I am definitely getting better. I am so proud of myself, swimming twice a week and gym twice a week. I need to keep this up. Even if I drop the gym occasionally I always need to make time for swimming in some capacity. So relaxing and enjoyable I love being the water. Lunch was next and got talk to Jordan for while. Then it was onto the library as per usual to work some more on this paper, print it and only then could I relax. Although I didn't really relax I started reading another book for another assignment, I always am working on something - turning into some sort of workaholic. It makes the time go quickly though. 

I also introduced myself to a real coffee from Starbucks today and I have to admit, it was lovely. I just had a mocha. Simple I know but it was perfect! I never thought I would be a convert but you never know. Coffee may end up being my best friend. 

Evening in the afternoon was standard. Class and the bus home. Once home I found I had another package from Auntie Deby!! More wall decorations and food to keep my going. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012


In fact I lied last night something did happen. I had forgotten to hand in a library book which was only on a 3 hour loan and it was 5hours late. I had to text all my American friends with cars to get someone to come and get me so I could hand it back in without getting a hideous fine. I still had to pay $5 but it would have been $16 if I had done it this morning.

I also have another book to hand back in but I do not know when it is due they didn't tell me. 

Monday 17 September 2012

Living life

There can be no specific title for today's oat because nothing major happened. Well I has rained all day, lightly . So it feels like like England slightly. Bt class went on as usual I got a paper back and it was a C+ not too happy about it but as I have doe with the others I am going to go and see what I could have done better. I am trying to see my professor for middle ages class but whenever I try and talk to him privately he just says that I need to ask it in class because a lot of students would benefit for it. Picking a topic for a research paper is hard and last time I did it I had help in deciding my topic, he seems to be giving my no support in the matter whatsoever.

Anyway moving on, when I got to the library after lunch I realised I had forgotten my memory stick so the work I wanted to work on, I couldn't. Which was upsetting its a good job I have plenty of other work to be getting on with then. Oh I forgot to mention I got to talk to matt today, in the morning which was lovely. But he is Ill at the moment and needs some tlc. Which I was there to look after him, even though he is old enough to look after himself. He needed a cuddle.

 When I cam back to trails I found out that everyone was not going to Zumba tonight so I wasn't going to get my nice long gym session in the big gym on campus so went down the little one in trails. I don't know how long I was there I just know I was working on my legs the whole time. I also checked my mail and found a returned letter - I had put the wrong Zip code doh!! Came back to my apartment been surfing the Internet for a bit. I checked my emails and found a piece of really and news. The New Orleans trip I was meant to be going on this weekend has been cancelled. The hotel overbooked! Not Happy! They a going to try and reschedule but having given us any dates to go off, they said we can pull out if we want. I don't know what people are doing yet. I don't know what I should do in fact. I think I will see how this plans out. People are planning on making a trip on our own down there but I don't know how they would work out. I was really looking forward to it as well!! Very upset about this and slightly angry as well.

But these things happen and all we can do is move on and get over it. I have a midterm on monday so I guess it's a good thing I am not going so I can revise for that and I can also work on my essays due in the weeks after etc. not a lot we can do about it unfortunately.

Anyway a very boring rest of the evening planned for me, writing up of notes and revising really. Oh well. Tomorrow is another adventure, without rain preferably.

Sunday 16 September 2012


I got to Skyping my parents and matt lot today which was lovely, great to have long conversations and properly explain things and talk about stuff that's bothering me etc. I managed to get a fair amount of work done although still not as much as I would have liked and hoped. As per usual.

I watched some films while studying which helped me get through some stuff but in hindsight probably didn't help. I have literally been in my room all day studying or eating. And in all honesty right now I feel like complete shit and I don't know why?

I got to watch one of my favourite films The Blindside and finally got all the ole miss references and it was great. I don't know if it's coz I'm tired or what but either way my day has been unexciting I hope you all had a better day than me.

Tomorrow is another better adventure. 

Saturday 15 September 2012


So a ridiculous early wake up today, not for reason of alarm or anything else other than my own body just deciding it wanted to be away at 7am! That's not normal. It did mean however an extra long skype with matt which was lovely. Got to discuss stuff and talk and it was just awesome! Then the internet started acting up, but it was good timing because he had to go to work and I had decided to go to the gym for a bit. I ended up doing an hour workout down there. It felt really good and that means that I don't have to do one tomorrow which means more time for doing work. I don't know whether to think this is good or bad.

Either way after a shower and some proper breakfast - granola and yoghurt. I got down to doing some work, I went down the pool and surprisingly got a lot done. No one was there to distract me there were very few people there and the rest of the English people were either doing work them selves, sleeping or recovering. Either way it was nice to get that time to myself, especially when I had such emotional letters come through from my grandpa and Matt. Such lovely letters, both of them make me cry. Good tears though I promise. 

I tried doing more work when I can back upstairs but managed very little, I ended up watching the first lord of the rings whilst doing work and then whilst getting ready for the game. My dress had dried nicely from hand washing the evening before. We started to wonder over to the grove around 4:30ish it must have been after hearing all the stories about the night before. I talked to Immy the whole way down, she is such an inspiring individual! I don't know how she copes with the stress. 

We chilled a the international tent agin for a bit and then moved on to finding other tents, I tried to find Taylor's tent but by the time we had figured it out, the girls were wanting food. So we went into the Union and grabbed some dinner, and then proceeded to walk onto the stadium! It got busy really quickly. We were there early but it got so manic! People were standing in front of people standing on the seats and people had stepped back onto seats rather than in front and so it was really difficult to see. Texas had scored in the first 6 minutes and had sacked our quarter twice in the first 10 minutes! They are insane. The quest seating seemed to be bigger and thre was a real mix of orange and red in that area. It was good that the away team got some awesome support though. 

Everyone had the stripes again as per usual and I got a new gym bag in the process. It's not very nice but it will serve a purpose I believe. I got another cup of sprite but I got the same cup as last time that I wasnt too chuffed about so I might have to throw one of them away. I had to sit down for a lot of the game because I couldnt see anything. The one time I shad seen or heard something from sitting down I got up and almost passed out. I nearly fainted and then felt fuzzy for a few minutes. It was scary that has never happened to me before. I don't even know why it happened. 

We left At half time again although I wanted to stay for the whole game I thought with everyone else going and me almost fainting once I thought it might be a good idea for me to leave. I talked to Joe on the way back about how he is finding it being the same country as his girlfriend but also how are the distance is, it was really nice to know someone is going through similar stuff to me. He was really sympathetic and empathetic. It was a lovely conversation, we ended up talking about 5 year plans. It's interesting to see where people are at in their lives and where they see themselves going to.  

Home, washing make up off, blogging, last stop - sleep. 

Tomorrow is another adventure 

Friday 14 September 2012


I actually contributed in every one of my classes today, either adding something to the discussion or just asking a question. But still i am really proud of myself. I can feel myself getting more confident and understanding more even in my harder classes. I have talked to more people, i mean a load of girls are going to study together next week and i am going along as well. Make sure we all have notes ready for the midterm. I am kinda nervous they might know it better than me.

I have so much to do over this weekend and it is a massive game this weekend as well.

My day was prwetty standard i got some work done in the library and went to Walmart to get a few pieces, i got some more food to try and get myself eating a little more and eating better stuff for me as well. I am looking forward to trying new stuff. I got to Skype Matt this morning which was really nice, it was strange not talking to him for a day but like i have said before we are going to have to get used to it unfortunately.

On the way back from Walmart, we got talking to this guy from Texas and as he was getting off the bus he gave us $50!! How insane is that? apparently it was for the party we are having this weekend! it was just astounding i couldnt believe it.

I returned to my flat and chilled for a little while before deciding some work needed to be done. So i am currently sat in the computer room in the club house although i have finished my work. I got involved in an argument that was going on when i left and it has escalated. I dont know why i was getting involved but either way. It ended up me wanting to scream at someone from my past - he is child and i am so glad i took a step back. Either way when i was trying to leave the conversation somethings were said. it ended up us talking about my current relationship. I am seething right now, it is none of his business and he cannot say i am like every other girl out there. he has no right to speak to me like that. In all honesty why should i care but at the same time I considered him a friend, well i guess this is built up anger he has had accumulated. If he hates me so what? I dont hate him, i have no reason to hate him.

Anyway, you lovely people don't want to hear about this idiot. I have finished the first draft of my paper that is due on Tuesday so i can work on that on Monday and refine it ready to hand in on Tuesday.

I am looking forward to relaxing for the rest of this evening  and sleeping, getting ready for Tomorrow's Adventure.

I have an idea - if you are reading this why not comment where you are from so i get a good idea of where i am reaching? Just interested - if not then s'all good. 

Thursday 13 September 2012

Study abroad fair

Classes went really well today, I was able to contribute and I got to talk to my professor about the plan I have made for her paper. She is awesome!!! We got talking about all sorts, from students that make us loose faith in education to differences between England and America it was great.

I managed to push up my swimming for 40 lengths today which I am really proud of in 25 minutes. After swimming and all my morning events I went to the study abroad fair to talk to student who were considering going to the UK to study there were some that we're genuinely interested and other just curious and some people who plainly didn't care. It was still good to get to all to people about coming abroad and seeing what they think and what they though about it all etc. it was good, just like an open day at uni or at school but for almost the whole of the UK.

After my time on campus was over I joined Hannah in the grove where there were hundreds of students, with pink things on and in t-shirts we later found out it was a care walk for Breast Cancer something similar to the Race for Life in the UK. Alice came and joined us and we went to the Grove for the Pep Rally. In all honesty it was nothing like I expected, just getting hype things being thrown around and lots of chanting etc but nothing really of consequence. It was still good to be there, a lot of Oxford Natives were shaking players hands and being like don't worry I will be there to support you and stuff like they were thier amply it was very strange I must say.

Alice, immy, Hannah and I all then went to High Point Coffee and sat there and talked just generally chilled, I had an iced latte which I had never had before. It was alright, I think I am going to have to get used o the taste of coffee, tea out here it's just not right. It's not normal tea! Either way we sat there for about a hour and a bit before having o get a taxi back to trails and immy had a meal to get to.

Back at trails, chilling - no work done which is not good, lying in bed surfing the web and chilling. I got a few messages from my parents today asking if I was still alive - no one has heard from me in days, I got so caught up in stuff, I was updating my blog I just hadn't spoken to my family. That's awful isn't it?! I feel so bad for it. I got to talk a little to Matt today but only typing, we are oth getting busier and aren't going to all for a few days ow, which I am kinda upset about. I love waking up and being able to see his face. But it's just going to get harder and the days go on and we get busier with uni and social life etc. so unfortunately I am going to have to get used to it. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Flat meal

Classes were pretty standard today as always, it's really interesting how there are different teaching methods in each class, I know each lecturer at home is different but here they are really different. strange and each class has a different way of assessing, whereas at home it's standard almost across everyone.

After class I had my lunch and proceeded to the library although I didn't stay there long because I was waiting on a text from Anatole. There is no signal in the library. So I sat in the student union and did my work there. It was really nice in all honesty it was good. Anatole then. Said he would pick me up from outside the student union. So I sat out there and his concept of 10 minutes is off by about 10 mins. Either way we went to the square and I had a smoothie and some frozen yoghurt. I paid my own way, as I always do. Then we had a full on conversation for about 1 and a half hours talking about European differences and things that were wrong with America and England. It was nice. He then drove me back to trails.

From this point I did work. Work for Friday, reading and making notes and finishing off my essay plan that I am going through with a professor. It reached 7pm and Patricia and Laura told me and Hyein that dinner was ready! This meal was really nice,  talked loads about everything from how our days were to religious opinions and stuff. We are becoming some really good friends and I am getting to know them really well and it was really nice to spend a few hours with all of us together. We couldn't decided however who was to be next, or when the next time we are doing it. I have no idea what I am going to do for when it's my time. I guess I will have to have a look and see what I can get together.

After dinner, Hyein and I watched the end of Unkown, it is a good film but I think I am going to have to watch the beginning at some point. I was scared about Hyein she seemed to flinch and scream at some of the scenes and I feel like maybe to was too much for her. I will have to make sure I am watching a nice film when she is watching one with me next time.  Before bed guess what I did! I did work. :o I know shocking isn't it.

I was so tired that it stopped me from posting this last night but here it is.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Tuesday 11 September 2012


The 11th 'anniversary' of an awful deed.

Although it must be said this fact did not hinder my day at all, in fact the only difference I physically saw was that there were military everywhere and they were all dressed in their no.1's. It was nice to see them all out honouring their country and the people that died. Classes were no different, although Taylor didn't turn up today so notes are doing to be given to him at some point I think. There was no minute silence or anything it was really strange.

Either way my Tuesday went on as normal I swam half a mile today which is the minimum aim for every time I swim. 36 lengths. Not much to ask in about 25/30 minutes. Just Everytime I half to bump it up getting closer and closer to that mile which I will hopefully be doing by the end of the semester. If not I am going to continue swimming as long as I have to. I need to keep my fitness up. Although now I have a gym playlist on my iPod going to the gym is looking really favourable instead. But I will never give up the water lets be honest.

Before I went swimming however I went to go and see one of my professor to talk over a paper and just make sure I was on the right lines and check over some of his comments, it was really useful and i found out that it was one of the better papers in the class. In all honesty there was not much wrong with it, it needed another reading over properly before handing it in and it needed a few more specific themes and events mentioned. So at least that is something to work on for the next paper.

To leap ahead, I managed to burn off calories that I ended up eating again at lunch!  Swear if I could cut carbs from my diet I would! But there is nothing eske on offer bar salad and I'm sorry but salad every day for lunch even if you do try and spice it up Everytime is never going to be exciting to anyone.

After eating I proceeded to the library as per usual, where whilst attempting to do my work I got into a chat with my dad which although was really nice and I got to share some stories with him. The work wanted to be done - thank god it wasnt important and I can do it again sometime.

After my final class of the day, Gaby. Hannah and I went to help Rob scan something to send back to his university. Always hilarious watching guys mess with technology. Standard bussing home and checking the mail. I starting doing work - tried to talk to matt and it failed miserably. I got to clear a few worries of mine though. I know I worry too much and I am trying to cool it but when you love someone as much as I love him, you get worries occasionally. It's hard being away for so long as well and when things arent going right they aren't just round the corner to make it all better. There have been tonnes of time I have wanted to come homes and curl up with my mum, sister, friends from uni, or matt but I haven't been able to.

This independence thing is bloody scary when you seem chucked in the deep end. Im getting there I think... At least I hope I am. I definitely feel I am growing as an individual already. Although I have to admit I am looking forward to going home and sharing this with everyone. I am having a great time out here too.

Anyway, he doing reading and work, eating and guess what? I ended up watching films again, happy feet 2 I believe was the first one, a nice film! And then fast and furious 5 I think. After a quick singing session, I just went out onto the balcony and sang, I needed it. I haven't felt like I can sing in ages! I always feel like people dont enjoy it and numerous times I have been told to stop because I do it too much. I have gotten out of habit now.

Either way was a nice evening if not greatly productive. I tried some drink of Hyein's today as well, milk and ground up range of beans and rice really nuitrious and tasted alright but definitely an acquired taste but I'm sure I could get used to it. The range of cultures I'm experiencing out here is just amazing.

Tomorrow is yet another adventure! 

Monday 10 September 2012


I forgot to add in there, i got an email off Leanne ( longest best friend) this morning, I updated her about everything I am so glad I did that! I feel like I keep leaving her out of the loop but I most definitely going to keep emailing her until I can see her again and then we are going to have a massive catch up and a proper natter over a meal or on a night out or something!

I miss her so much! Known her 7 years or more! Looking forward to the next 7 Leanne!

I am fortunate I get to talk to my other best friends from back home more, I get to talk to them on Facebook and Skype a lot more often than her. But they are all my best friends! And I am thankful for them all and ( I hope) appreciative of them all. They all deserve trophies!


Culture shock

Same old Monday morning, a Skype with Matt and 3 classes. Pretty standard.

After class I and I had had lunch I got the bus to Walmart where I met Anatole and I spent 30 mins talking to him about everything that was different between American and English cultures. How we are so different and yet we stem from the same ideas. We were just commenting on how weird it was, I got my phone card so my phone is sorted for the next month and Anatole I'd that if ever I need a lift somewhere he would hook me up. It was great talking to him to have a full conversation with him. When I got back I went to the library and did some work, I worked on one assignment whilst Skyping my parents and printed both the papers that are due in on Friday. I was glad to talk to my parents.

I have decided I need to become more independent and rely on myself to do things. Not always go looking for help.
I signed up for the study abroad fair in the students union on Thursday, which will be agreat opportunity to show my country and my university off and give people the me opportunity that I have had, because it is definitely worth it. I also decided today that I am going to start tracking my calorie intake along with the level of exercise I am doing. It will be good just too keep a food diary more than anything

After all my escapades on campus I decided with it being such nice weather outside that I would walk home. Only. 30/45 mins walk it a good, I got to listen to my music, forget about the world and distress it was a great time. Despite the really busy roads I have to cross and walk along.

I also found out today that the problem that happened at home over the weekend is now all sorted, someone had let slip that I had been stressing about it which although was true, I am going to manage this on my own. My friends will help me of course but I need to learn strategies for coping on my own thats for sure. My Internet unfortunately didn't let me Skype Matt when I got home, but we got to type to each other for a little while. It's going to be so difficult when he goes back to uni, he is going to be so busy and he won't have time to talk to me. But we are strong enough, we are going to get through all of this! He deserves a medal. I also received a letter off my grandpa today which was nice, mail always brightens my day especially whens it from people you love and it has such kinds words in it. I swear these letters keep me going sometimes.

Either way I spent my afternoon reading and doing some work, before deciding to have a break and watch a film whilst eating my 'dinner', this wasnt such a good idea when  balf way thrgh the film i started feeling sick. Harry Potter 1 was on, so sat and had memories of home and my childhood come back to me. Patricia came in part way through so we ended up discussing the German films and ow English and American films are shown in Germany and things like that it was really nice. It was nice to understand how a different country copes with such issues. We needed up talking about all sorts, education, jobs and I got to tell her some words and correct her which I felt good for because obviously she wants to improve.

Hyein came in towards the end and she got involved in the discussion. We talked about anything and almost everything, it was really nice! We really got to bond over stories of home and people and things that have happened here. Talking about classes and friends and everything it was really nice to hear how they are coping with the difference just as I am. I can already tell their English is getting better, although it was near perfect to begin with, it's nice to hear them gettin something's better. We turned I've the channel and found puss in boots! I love this film and do we watched the end of this whilst having more and more discussion, what we wanted to do with careers and stuff like that.

Hyein described a worry to me as we were turning in for the night that she was worried about hearing male voices in the night when guys were here, just a cultural thing, she gets a little frightened. She asked whether she should tell Patricia, so we pulled her into my room and we all discussed, although I don't have a problem with any of it, I just wanted to be there to help explain for Hyein if she needed it. But it's fine we have sorted everything out. I am so happy with my flat mates! I have heard stories about other flats not getting along at all, and I am thankful I have just wonderful people I can call my friends around me.

I couldn't ask for a better situation right now.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Sunday 9 September 2012


Today hasn't been busy it has just been mad!

I have done all my reading (almost) for this week, which is not a problem at all. I had a relavitvely relaxing morning. I had a 30mins stint in the gym which felt really good and got myself sorted for the day. My parents then gave me some bad news and some of my affairs back home,  admittedly I was pissed and shouldn't have taken it out on them. I was so angry and ending up yelling at them and at Matt - not good! I didn't how else to respond, I though i had arranged everything so it sold go belly up when I left, but to be best something is always going to go wrong somewhere along the line with a trip like this. It was inevitable and I could have reacted so much better to that situation.

After this stress and matt had managed to calm me down, I went to pool and chilled out there did some more reading. I only stayed an hour and a bit. It was enough to top up the tan and chill out with some good company. I was sat for a while with Hannah, Alice, Catherine, Gaby and Aimee, when the majority of those left I was joined by Alex, Malcolm, Tony, Jamie and Calum. It was really funny telling stories about what happened to them at the game and in the grove etc. i don't think I stopped laughing the whole time I was with them.

I returned back to my apartment and did some more reading in from some films, The First Daughter and Voyage of the Dawn Treader. They were good films and it was nice to chillax with them on whilst getting some reading done. Got to Skype matt again! Twice I am so lucky! Now just chilling in my room with Boyce Avenue in my ear and doing some more reading.

An alright day all in all, what more is there to say, apart from that blip in the middle. I am lucky to have understand people around me but I need to change otherwise I am going to ruin some of my relationships with people.

Tomorrow is another adventure, 

Lessons learned.

I have made a list of things I need to change about myself. I know people say never change who you are but these are bad qualities and those of you reading this that know me will agree with this list and I hope you will help me improve myself.

1. Stop worrying about friends opinions of me.
2. Stop worrying about trivial things... Stop worrying all together.
3. Relax! Life has its twists and turns just got to manoeuvre rather than stop at each bump.
4. Stop apologising for everything. It's invariably not your fault!
5. Learn to give away a little control, let go and trust people.

I can feel myself shutting people off and not talking about things. I need to open this cage I have put myself into.

This needed to be public so there is proof I wrote it and made this pledge to myself.

This is for the people I love. I promise you this now!  

High on life

Right it is the morning of the night before. So I will update you About what happened yesterday as I fell asleep before I could write to you. 

I managed to get some work done in the momring after Skyping matt for a serious period of time. It was nice though, got to have a real chat. Either way, I got ready for the Grove! Met everyone at e clubhouse at like 2:15 and then proceeded to walk to the grove and find our tent. Food!!! There was a whole rang, friend chicken, pulled pork sandwiches, crisps, brownies, biscuits and believe me I ate my fill. We didn't want true walk of champions instead, we wounded around the grove just taking it all in and  on occasion attempting to get into someone else's tent. We saw dolls houses that had pillars which had different drinks in them. We saw full sound systems and tvs! It was shocking. 

Hannah, Sophie, Gaby, Immy and I and sat on the Lyceum steps and just chatted watching people walk past and watching people get ready as hyped for the game. It was awesome! Around 5:15 we all moved down to the stadium and manage to sit in the same seats as last time. So people could easily find us and we all sat as a groupagain. When we we're walking in we saw someone giving out cups, inside these cups were a chap stick, sunglasses string, a cup holder, a cup, a pen and face paints! But the start of the game almost everyone had strips on their faces! Blue and red strips! War Paint! We noticed not many of the Americans had it but we did and we felt cool! By the end of the 1st quarter it was smudged everywhere, all over people's faces and hands and everything! It was still pretty cool. 

I was sat near Gaby to explain the game to her and i think she started to get it, a lot of the English people were just waving and cheering because everyone else was. We all had red pomp pomps again. The stadium was a sea of red! It looks great! Everyone was dressed up and it was really cool. It was also nicer weather so we were able to enjoy the grove and the game mo from being cooler it also meant however we had to leave at half time because people had gotten cold. but still it was an awesome game,  sung all the songs we joined in the chants it was a great game and we played better football as well! We won!! 28-10 it was a great game! The away teams support was tiny which is kinda gutting for them it awesome for us, there was like less than 100 vs 60,000 or more!the atmosphere was intense! I got so many more pictures of people and larger groups of people as well! 

I think everyone had a better time to be honest. All the way home we were singing and listening to the game shout outs, i could even here them scoring in my room! 30mins away from the stadium! We have people honking at us and wolf whistling, to be honest I didn't care I was so high on life yesterday! It was a great day. 

Once home and had washed the face paint off my face, at one point I had purple cheeks! I uploaded my pictures and trying to getting them on to Facebook was a pain just too slow! So that's a job for another day. my days keep getting better and better! 

Tomorrow is another adventure

Friday 7 September 2012

Ladies that lunch

Classes today went well, I contributed massively to my colonial America class, I seemed to be the only one talking but no one else was saying anything and they were just interpretations of pictures and of the text we have to read for e paper. It really wasn't hard! I was shocked that such an esay class people were not trying to get point for participation. My map quiz in my native American class was good, relatively easy, I checked it afterwards and I did okay to be honest. I just have to keep ahead of the work and keep talking in class and just make sure I am staying clam about it all as well.

I grabbed a snack after also and then managed to Skype my mum and dad for about 30 mins just for a catch up and a chat and the rest of it. It's really nice getting to talk to them, although I sometimes think people think I am crazy sitting on a bench talking to myself basically. I manage to do it in the morning as well with Matt, morning skypes are always fun. :)

I went to the library it this time not to do work but to upLoad some videos to Facebook which didn't end up happening. I did some thinking and planning for the future as well, kinda scary stuff but at the same time it needed to be thought about. I need a longish term plan - I.e. what am I doing after I graduate?! Anyway I am getting side tracked.

The main event for today was the lunch with the English girls! We walked tothe square and ate unch in Ajax, I went simple and had a burger but there looked like some lovely meals coming out. Gonna have to be more adventorous when it comes to food. It was really nice sat chatting and talking about stuff that had happened to us recently like Alice had referenced the wrong person in her essay. Immy had had a 'date' with a guy who had snuck her into the Football stadium and they had been sat there drinking champagne! How romantic! We are literally a load of hopeless romantics it sounded like something out of a film!! Typical girls I know. 

Either way, we then went shopping round the square looking at shoes dresses and the shopes generally. One shop we visited was literally full of Greek life stuff! Every single sorority had something there whether it was writing paper or a cup or a plastic badge it was insane! I knew Greek life was big but wow! I mean wow! They also don't seem to understand that we don't have the same thing in England like at all! I got some postcards which was nice espeically the old school ones i have bought they are like faded! They are going straight in my scrapbook at home. 

It was a great lunch out, it was good to spend time with the girls and get to see them and talk more. We even got talking about politics at lunch, and American politics at that?! 

We got a bus home, I had a post card from my mum which was really nice to get.i love getting mail from home! :). I love getting mail full stop! I spent about an hour by the pool topping up my tan and then came in, I have then spent the evening chilling and doing whatever the hell I want. I feel guilty for not doing any work but I will do loads on Sunday and will work all through the week as well. I knw that much. it's all good I will get on top of it, well ahead of it I'm sure. I deserve one night off surely? So to carry on reading my book and chilling out and hopefully early bed to get some work done tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow is still another adventure! 

Thursday 6 September 2012

Birthday meal

Class was good today, I got my assignment back which I got a B- in which apparently isn't that good, but after looking at percentages and thinking about it I am pleased, the only major feedback I got was about my structure including my sentencing and stuff so simple things or sort out rather than major issues with my essays. Classes so interesting here and it is great to mix with people from different backgrounds and therefore having different opinions about matters and the such like. I got a fair amount of work done in the library today but didn't get to go swimming I didn't want to wreck my hair colour just yet. I am turning into a bit of a workaholic ipbut I always need to be working on something. It will just help when I te further into the term when I have already done some research and reading for papers and classes that are coming. I prefer to be one page ahead in the manual as it were.

To be honest i can not say a lot went on today on Campus I just know I was feeling good all day and I got o Skype matt for a little tiny bit and I got to talk to Abi on Facebook and it is just great getting the time to talk to people from England. I got to Skype my parents when I got home for a little it and I have decided I am going to go and see some of my professors in their office hours just to discuss matters and so they get to know me a little bit better.

Anyway after getting very little work done at home because I only decided very late that I needed to do work, it was time for Laura's meal! It is her birthday tomorrow so she is having a meal tonight that is still going on as i write this and a load of Iternational students are here however it was by invitation only. Hannah came along which was really nice we got to talk to some and we basically ended telling life stories and embarrassing stories about each other lives it was nice. The food was amazing! A mixture of southern food and European food, cakes and main courses! It was a great spread and I am sure it will all go tonight. Our fridge had been reorganized when I went into it and I got very confused but it's all good! I don't mind.

I love my room mates so much, we get along so well. We are a little family and it is really nice that I get o spend so much time with them. I wish I was more social able in the evenings but I have work and reading to do so generally I am getting that done. They understand I am sure.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Hair colour

Classes were usual, answering questions, reading in old English and writing frantic notes as the professors talk. My courses keep over lapping slightly which is good as it means I have more information to collect from, especially when it comes to papers.

After class i skyped steph, who I haven't talk to in a while and got an update and we chated for a bit. Lunch I sat with Alice and Sophie and we discussed classes and the american way of living and of education. We all agreed it was madness. I then heading to the library to find and take out my next book. Although I'm starting to think I don't need it. Just one research paper is confusing me abut how he wants it done.

My Skype with matt in the early morning was also good, I really like getting up in order to talk to him. It kind of starts my day off. It ashame timing is so poor so I don't get to talk to my parents a lot.

Anyway, I met Hannah in the library and got a little bit of work done before, joining Gaby and heading to Walmart, we managed to get a lift there from Gaby's global ambassador! And we got a taxi home, Hannah and Gaby watched as I put stuff into my trolley and commented again that I am not being healthy and not eating properly. What am I meant to do if I am not hungry? I am starting to miss cooking in my own kitchen where I have access to everything, all the food I need and all the utensils I need to cook a pasta bake for example or something similar.

We got a taxi back from Walmart and Hannah helped me carry it all back to my apartment where she stayed for a little bit to watch me dye my hair! It was so exciting, my hair was starting to go very red/ ginger which is not a problem it just looked really faded. I have dyed it a dark brown, it looks good although I miss my purple hair greatly! An evening of chilling, doing reading and work and distracting myself.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Had a bit of shock to the system today, we had a quiz in my reformation reading I had done. When he was going through stuff before we went into the 5 quiz Id question paper. None of it was ringing any bells or anything. I didn't help I was so tired and didn't feel ready for it in any case. I haven't got the next book so I don't know what I am going to do there. I will have to look on the Internet and in the library and see what I can get a hold of. I handed in my paper for that class as well - first piece of work in, it's begun! The semester has officially begun now I have to keep calm and get work done. Scary stuff.

I managed to go swimming today however my left arm started giving me jib so I had to get out early which was really annoying. But it will be fine, I have Thursday to work on it. Also I had to share my lane with a guy who was many years my senior and didn't stop for the whole time I was with him.he really put me to shame and showed me how much I have left to do with my swimming and my fitness.  I am enjoying swimming a lot, it is great time and place to clear my head and sort everything out and get some perspective and reality on things. I must say it did really help today - I needed it, plus it woke me up as well.

I managed to get some work done in the library, started another assignment which I later did a detailed plan on so I am hoping to get a first draft done of soon. Shouldnt be too hard, I do have a few questions though but I am sure they will be sorted out tomorrow. I think my English friends are starting to get worried about it, I confessed today that I am only really having one proper meal a day - today that wasn't the case may I add. But generally that is how my day goes. It is how I did it at Uni and it seems I have continued the practise out here. I see no issue but others seem to, I am taking multivitamins and exercising. I am taking care of myself.

Afternoon class was good, it finished early - I think she was expecting more discussion on the topics but I don't think many people read the reading. And everyone seemed to agree with each other therefore there wasn't much discussion. Oops. Anyway, after a few stops off I went home and skyped Matt which was nice, although it was late for him and I felt awful for it, I was really glad to see his face and get to talk to him. I wish it was as easy with others as well. Timetables keep clashing and everything, it's hard to keep in touch with people. It will be even harder when the universities go back  though.

I need to stay relaxed and clam and focussed and get enough sleep. It's gonna be difficult because I need to make sure I get good grades in order to match my time when I got home to Reading.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Monday 3 September 2012

Labour Day

I know the spelling isn't American.

Today the best part of it was spent doing work for tomorrow and this week, reading making notes. I managed to Skype matt and my parents for a while. I love talking to them so much. Its strange thinking that I am still not seeing them for another 13 weeks or 96 as Matt would say. I have also managed to write a few letters as well so I will post them when I get to campus tomorrow. I am starting to like writing letters and I think I need to get into a habit of writing them once a week. In response to letters I have received or just for the fun of it.

I went to Kabuki for lunch with Molly, Carla and Alice. Molly was saying the others girls she has are crazy and she can't get along with them much. The food was amazing it reminded me of Benihanas that went to in Detroit. The rive veg and meat are all cooked on a massive hot plate in front of you. They do all kinds of tricks with the utensils and sauces etc! It is just an amazing show! I was in awe! We had to try and catch pieces of egg in our mouths. I have never been one to throw something in the air and catch it with my mouth and I managed it purely by fluke I think.

I went through to films today just as background noise it was nice to have the day to myself and to be honest I think I needed it.iwas so tired I don't do well with 6 hours sleep. I know what kind of student am I. 7  hours I can handle anything less I am grouchy and horrible etc etc. the tiniest thing sets me off. I got a air amount of work done, although I am not feeling prepared for the quiz I have tomorrow. I don't know what to expect. All part I the learning curve.

Tomorrow is another adventure 

Sunday 2 September 2012


Started as every other Sunday 3 hours on Skype to parents and matt discussing stuff and talking about things, my plan for doing work had gone down the drain. Although I did get a few bits and pieces done later in the day.

At 1pm I went down to the pool and met Aimee, after chilling there lynch for a little bit, Carlos came and told us about this party that was going on, after deliberating and discussing it, we decided to go along. We rode in the baked of Aziz's pick up truck! It was awesome! Wind in my hair riding through the countryside it was good. I am glad we decided to go.

We ended up at this massive house outside of campus with this huge pool, it was awesome. Aimee and I chilled there for a bit, we got to meet some new people learn a new game. It was a great decision to make. We caught a taxi home and I made a very basic dinner for me and her as we watched the beginning of oceans eleven. I love that film, Aimee decided to leave to get ready for the party this evening. I watched the rest of the film and did some reading before getting ready myself.

Party started well, apart from our ice machine is broken, I spent 15-20 mins cutting out with scissors and a knife, three Americans said it wouldn't be done and it was from stuck in there! Well I proved them wrong! People kept coming and coming, it go so hot in our apartment. I did what I could with the air conditioning. Then the storm hit. This is unlike anything. I have ever seen in my li, lightening that was lighting up the sky like never before, the clouds were glowing and although there was little thunder the rain soon came down. And this wasn't just torrential, this just kept coming and it didn't stop for hours! Catherine decided to leave and got soaking wet. I was so scared, I felt sorry of those trying to deal with, I have no rational reason to hate the thunder, rain and lightening I just do hate it and it really scares me. Only when is it in storm form does it scare me the most. Apart from that I can cope with it now. I think.

When the rain stopped people started to leave more and more, I started getting tired, it is difficult to mingle when everyone round you is speaking different languages and the english people are dispersed. I still had an awesome time, and even as I write this, the party is still going on. I am going to try and get some sleep or I might even read my book or something, it is madness out there. I have no idea what I am going to do for my birthday but I am really not feeling a party at this moment in time.

Either way - tomorrow is another adventure.