Thursday 1 November 2012

November Begins

I resisted coffee this morning until after I had read through my essay. I got most of the way through but then had to go to class. I grabbed a snack on the way though which was nice. Although I need to stop doing this - spending too much money on it.

Moving on class this morning went well despite getting distracted towards the end of it. I managed to go swimming yay! So so happy about this it really helped chill me out. I could telli was staring to get a little aggravated and touchy. 50 lengths later I was feeling good. Steve invited me on a back packing trip in the grand canyon which would have been insane but unfortunately it is on the 10th December and I have to go home. Oh well.

After this I went and grabbed a wrap and some crisps from POD (provisions on demand) which was good actually quick easy and healthier that anything esle really. I need to start having more salads and the such like. I am having too much greasy food.

I went straight back to the library and waited for a computer talking to Joe and Alex as a distraction. I then got on with checking my essay but was however distracted by Hayley talking to me on Facebook. She was telling me some bill troubles from back home. Which stressed me a tiny bit, but it's fine we managed to get it all sorted which is awesome, my heart was in my mouth!! Luckily my parents were online so I was able to get some of the information off them. They are determined to go onto the joint account, which is fine I understand where they are coming from. I know I will be able to help more as soon as I get back in the same country at least. So I didn't really get to check through my essay properly. Luckily after my after noon class Gaby let me use her laptop for a little bit so I could correct some of it.  Before I carry on I have to tell you about my afternoon class - it was so hard because we were split into groups and we had to talk about different questions that were on a sheet about a book that no one in the group had read. Luckily I managed to find a summary type thing of the trial we were studying online so we were able to get some stuff down and say something but it was really difficult. At the same time it was hilarious because none of us knew what we were on about.

When we got back to trail, and i wa borrowing gaby's laptop I managed to get through half of it before Gaby needed her computer back for Skyping her boyfriend. Hannah had a little scare with her laptop but luckily my old laptop used to do it all the time so we were able to sort it out. Both by just pressing buttons mainly. 

I then went home and cooked my dinner, I managed to set off the fire alarm 3 times. Hyper sensitive much. I had two doors open and a blanket ready to waft the fumes away it was really odd. The sound was awful it scared Hyein a little I think. Mind you it scared me never mind anyone else!, I was just cooking and it shrieked at me! At least we know it works. I then sat down and watch ridiculousness for a bit and then I got to Skype Matt!! We have decided to Skype at least once a week, and a nice long chat too. Just so we can talk about all sorts of stuff. The distance is making this really really hard, and I think have just lost sense of each other if you get my meaning. Like when we kate together we understand each others jokes and facial expressions and stuff help but over facebook and even sometimes Skype it is difficult and doesn't help in some situations.

I can't believe it is November already!! Apparently something like 37 days to go!!! Where had the time gone!! Two weeks until thanks giving and then finals and then flight home. This is too weird!! I'm not ready for it to be over quite yet. And luckily it isn't I am going to enjoy the present and let time fly or be slow what ever it wants to do.

Tomorrow is another adventure after all. 

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