Thursday 29 November 2012


Okay, I realise this is the morning after but i was so tired i just ending up sleeping before i remembered to update this.

I got up especially early in the morning because Matt wanted to Skype and I am so glad we did! It sorted everything out and we are back to normal. Thank goodness!

So classes past and 2/3 of them were the final one that we will be learning stuff in, our last lessons will be just reviews of the information needed for the finals next week. I can't believe they are all coming to an end.

Anyway after classes i went to the library and managed to find a computer straight away, and this is where i stayed from 12pm til 6pm writing the drafts of my essays and guess what? I finished them both!! I was so chuffed. I printed both of them off so i could edit them when i got back that night. I then went and joined Hannah, Aimee, Alice, Gill, Tony, Yves, Domhnall and Jamie in the Union for dinner. I thought i deserved a burger, and we watched them setting up the ice rink.

It turns out i got my times mixed up, i thought the tree lighting was at 7pm turns out it was at 6:30pm, not that it mattered everyone else knew what they were doing. So we went and listened to the Gospel choir, which we found out had been nominated for a Grammy Award and we listened to Miss University sing a hymn as well. Then the head of the athletic department and the chancellor gave speeches and then they lighted the tree. I am so glad my camera battery lasted in order to capture some of these moment. I also got to see the Egg Bowl!! Back where it belongs!! The Tree was slightly disappointing but was still nice to see.

We then went back to the Union and had some free hot chocolate with marshmallows and saw Rebel Santa Bear which was interesting. After sitting for a while, Alice, Aimee and I decided that we wanted to go home, so we walked home. Hannah and I stormed ahead, we were just so cold. We talked about everything from boys to our flight home and to finals and work. Despite the chill in the air it was a good chat.

I then went back to my appartment got into bed and started editing my essay, it took longer than i thought, mainly because i was watching films at the same time - bad idea.

After editing one essay i tucked up and slept for the night!

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

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