Wednesday 14 November 2012


Right today has been quite a rollar coaster, classes went fine today, I wasn't able to Skype annie at lunch because she has managed to misplace her webcam temporarily. I was able to Skype my parents however, which was nice. Escpecially as My card had been acting up, which was understandable because they were no money on the card. Oh dear! I got way too panicked about it! In hind sight it wasn't such a big deal. It was just that on top of the amount of work I have to do that has just hit me. My mum telling me some bad news about my grandad didn't help either. Not to mention I am so close to going home and yet it still so far away, I don't want to leave but at the same time I want to go home. Either way everything got sorted out, my mum was right in correcting me that I was worrying about the enormity again, just like I did when I was leaving. I have to take it one day at a time and one task at a time. I was just forgetting this. Anyway I then went to the library and sat there for about 5 hours reading various chapters of books for my research papers.

Once I realised that I actually have 7 sources for one of the papers, I kinda thought that would be enoough to make an argument from and if not there should be plenty of sources online from jstor and the such like that I should be able to gather enough to make a plausible argument for 3000 word essay. I just have to focus on the other one now. It is just starting to worry me about how much work I have to do. But it's fine I know I can handle it. Matt helped a lot today as well, we were both talking about how much we missed each other and stuff it was just good to get everything like that out of the system.

Anyway once my card was sorted I grabbed a quick bagel from Starbucks because I needed something on my stomach, I then joined hannah in the union after I had finished all my reading. I grabbed some food, I had a burger again, it wasn't as bad this time though, still felt a little sick but it was fine. Catherine, Gaby and Alice then joined us.  Sat there talking for a little bit about work amongst other things.

We then moved on the ford centre to watch the ole miss university beauty pageant, I mean scholarship programme! It was miss congeniality reencarnate! It was exactly like that but on a lower scale, there were only 3 contestant, although there were 5 in the programmes we were given. One was ill and we were never told about the other one. Anyway we sat an watched this for an hour and a half, just under. It was hilarious! I know something like this is serious but us British girls couldn't help but giggle the whole way through it. They had smile plastered on their faces and their expressions were all the same. We were told the meanings of the points on the crown and told that apparently a dress can tell someone's personality. It was hilarious how seriously people took this! They all sang and two of the three sang opera songs. It was very strange! It was surreal. They also had a swim suit competition in which they all looked like body builders! And the interview stage - they were asked one wustion. One of the contestants questions was based in politics, it was about health care, and the national wide health service.

Miss Mississippi made the comparison between herself one of the contestants and the curtains because they were wearing the same colour! Just the fact she just came out with it. "we match the curtains" just made me crack up!! It is a worrying thought when a picture on the programme shows you to be prettier than you are in real life. She was telling us about what she have been doing, travelling the state and getting ready for Miss America. I kid you not! We also got to see Miss University of 2012 farewell video which was a PowerPoint of her saying thank you to everyone and everything that has helped her. At one point I thought she was going to cry in the narrative of the video! We also got see miss university of 2012 and miss Mississippi perform their talents. They played the piano well, however the influence of the backing track I do not like. She made two bum notes in the whole piece, why not play it acapella rather than cover up to ur talent with a backing track?   

At the announcement it got even funnier because she did just break down not crying but the whole fluttering and everything. Another noticable thing - they couldnt walk in heels any of them. You would have thought that would have been the first thing you taught your child if they are going to do this. Their parentage was mentioned a lot as well. It just shows the influence of your family in the south. As one of the entertainments waiting for the resutls we got to see miss Mississippi outstanding teen. She no a song from Dreams Girls, she gave it a good shot but because she wasn't black it didn't have the same depth as I think a black woman could have given it. Another thing this girl also said that she was singing from the age of 6 years however she said the first song she sang was twinkle twinkle star however the only word she knew was no... Hang on at the age of 6 the only word you can say is no, I think there are other problems there love. 

It was no surprise that the winner was part of the most expensive sororiety, tri delta. It was still interesting to go because it is such an American thing, i just didn't expect it to be like it was, it didn't expect to match miss congeniality so well and be so stereotypical. It was mental, very very funny. It shouldn't have been but it just was. I think I laughed the whole way home. When I got back I went up to Alice's apartment and chose my secret Santa name. So I now have to find something for that person. Which is $10. Could be interesting. 

I then came back to my apartment and told patty all about the pageant and chilled for a little while and then started packing. Just putting stuff aside from next week. I felt so much better having relaxed at the pageant and getting organised just really helped me take a weight off my shoulders. I have comment though about miss university before the pageant I didn't know who she was, I think that such a person if they have that much impact in the community and the such like they should be more prominent figures of uni site society. They should make themselves be known to everyone. 

But that is just my opinion.  

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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