Saturday 3 November 2012

Unproductive day

Okay so I woke up late today and decided it was too late to be going to the gym. But it's fine, I have breakfast and watched some films before texting people and converging at the pool about midday.

It was glorious weather , the occasional cloud covering the sun and a breeze occasionally as well. But it was still nice and hot and just wonderful! I had a really god day, I read a little of my book. And listened to music sharing stories from the night before. Hannah skyped her parents from my iPad and I talked to matt a little after his shift at work. It was short lived because I went back to my apartment and then he was getting ready to go out, from tepee messages I have got later this evening I think they had a good night out.

Anyway I came back grabbed a little food, watched the The Stepmom - therefore ended up in tears. And afterwards I found The Girl. It is a decent film. Toby jones played a realistic role as Alfred Hitchcock and Sienna Miller is great in it as well. It would be interesting to read the book it was based on. I would like to understand its origins and see if Hitchcock was really like that. But I guess men back then were all obsessed with having domination, and women had to be submissive and yet strong minded.

I had a quick shower and after that film finished I did a little work. Noting books and articles to read for my up and coming research papers. I shouldn't have an issue finding information only thing I have to make sure I can find evidence for the arguments I want to make. I was already for Catherine's so I headed over and we ordered pizza, by we I mean, Sophie, Hannah, Gaby, Catherine and I. We ordered Papa John's, it was delicious and in some ways better than Domino's and definitely cheaper. We then managed to watch The Help, and Catherine and Hannah made some cookies so we had snacks as well. It was really good. It was lush night. As I was walking down to Catherine's I took a video of the cloud lighting up with lightening, I knew I storm was coming and it hit about half way through the film. So we went outside to see it but went the thunder was loud and it seemed really close I got a little scared but my fear is nothing like it used it be. I am becoming more fascinated and interested by it.

Anyway we watched the film and then we all departed straight afterwards. I think we were all tired even though the clocks go back tonight. Sophie and I discussed what differences and similarities in what we have experienced in Mississippi to how it used to be, especially with the election coming up as well. A very controversial subject I know.

Anyway home ward bound, sitting in my window my blind still open, with the lines of my hands and on my bed just listening to music and writing down my events for today.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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