Tuesday 20 November 2012

Olive Garden

Gareth was again at school today, Huw was a work and Deby is working tonight, therefore it was grandpa, Deby and I just chilling today. We chilled out in the morning and I got a little work done. Then we headed off for lunch at olive garden where I had some lovely pasta with a soup to start. A great meal it must be said and we picked up some desert for our evening meal tonight.

When we got back before I got involved in work again I called my mum and said happy birthday! It was really nice to hear her voice and talk about stuff as well. I also got to talk to dad a little as well which was nice. Seems like everything is a go back home and everything is going well and life is continuing which is always good to hear. Deby went to bed to sleep before work and grandpa went to collect Gareth from school. 

I then cracked on with my work with a break for dinner around 5:30ish which consisted of Kiev's, wedges and sweet corn. When I continued with my work after dinner, Deby left to go swimming and go onto work, grandpa was reading his book and uncle Huw decided to put the tv on. Which is fine, I just escaped quietly to my room and finished off my work and started reading my book for my research papers, only issue was that I seem to have run out of post it strips which highlight 
Articulate phrases I was interested it. Which is a slight problem because I still have two chapters to read. I have managed to write up three of my subjects though for revision which we will save me a lot of work when I go back to Mississippi. I has been a good day though, filled with productivity and conversation. 

I did talk a little matt, seeing as he had had a bad day I wanted to talk to him and make him feel slightly better but the meal with the house managed to improve his moods, it was of course lady Sam's birthday as well. When he got back he was evidently tired and I don't think helped at all... It's all in the past now but still, doesn't stop me thinking about how it was left. 

Moving on,  Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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