Sunday 18 November 2012


This is all I have done all day. Revision. Well almost.

Woke up, got dressed ate the usual morning rituals. I then tarted trying to read the book I have got for one of my research papers and I didn't get a lot done. So I started doing revision instead, I started writing up my notes. Grandpa and I watched the grand prix, in Texas which is where my auntie deby and my uncle Huw are. And then we watched the detroit lions play the green bay packers where Sarah and her friend had gone. Unfortunately for my auntie Deby, Vettle came second in the grand prix and the Detroit lions lost their game. Also Sarah got to go on the side line during the warm up as well! Insane day for them!

Gareth had another friend come over today, from down the road a lovely girl! They all played nicely and got along, they sorted themselves out with some lunch as did grandpa and I. All this while with me sitting in the chair feet up and writing up my notes. We then all congregated at Applebees for dinner, which was lovely, even though I didn't finish my main course I had a desert. Tehe cheeky me. It was lovely. I should have taken a picture while we were all there but I was rushed into getting ready. I had been talking to Annie about bill stuff and talking to matt as well it just got all very confusing and I had to hurry up in leaving. Anyway it is fine, I am going to sort it tomorrow. It's all good.

We got back from the meal, and sarahs friend had left her wallet at the table, luckily the waitresses came out and gave it to us before we drove away. So it was all good, we sat a chilled for a little while and then Sarah's friend left. Sarah then went with grandpa to get some petrol for her car and then she went back to college for a few days. Gareths friend then left. Grandpa then got gareth set up for bed and then we all headed to bed. So I am now sat in bed, writing up some more revision notes. I want to finish this topic so I can start a new one tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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