Saturday 24 November 2012


Right so today was my flight back to Mississippi.

The morning when great, I got up early talked to matt and Hayley, made sure I was all packed up and ready to go. I had some breakfast, I had a shower etc. and we arrived at the airport with good time, Grandpa took some photos at the air port, deby and grandpa waited for me to get through security. I forgot to take my shoes off for starters and then I went onwards. I have to get the tram to the A gates which was quite cool. Although I did try and go up the down escalator. I was evidently tired, I hadn't slept well the night before either way. So I got to the gate all well and good I hae some of my packed lunch I had been given I got myself a bottle of water. I was all ready.

We got on the plane, later than expected boarding time. Which was fine it happens. We were on the plane taxi-ing to the runway when all of a sudden we stop. And apparently there is an issue with a piece of equipment. So we wait a while to see if corrects itself and then the left engine gets turns off. So we know it isn't going to be just a few minutes. The captain gets a hold of maintenance and we wait for them to see what is going on and stuff. I don't even want to think about the time we were sat there to be honest. luckily I was sat on the three seat side with the seat by the window empty which was nice meant I could stretch out a little. I ended up talking to the gentleman sitting next to me, called Ben. He was a teacher soo English in Mississippi delta for underprivileged children. He was originally from the northern states. From Cleveland I believe. Anyway we got talking which was a nice way to spend the time.  We talked about history stuff, differences with England, James bond and various other actors and movies.

We ended up having to go back to the terminal to have maintenance look over the equipments which inevitably ended up in us deplaning. By the time we had deplaned we were already meant to be in Memphis. That's how bad it was. Anyway Ben and I and some of the people he also knew on the flight grabbed a snack and then walked to out new gate, luckily it wasn't too far away. All this time I was texting Henry and my auntie deby to keep them informed of the situation. Around 2pm (Detroit time) we got on a different plane! And this one seemed to work. I finished reading the book for my paper, Ben looked through some of my previous essays plans and stuff. It was a nice flight. I was lucky to have that packed lunch though. Towards the end of the flight, Ben gave me a list of just do/ see things in the south, specifically in Mississippi if ever I come back which was nice of him and then I gave him my email address.

So we finally arrived in Memphis and got off the plane all fine, and Ben and I parted ways, I got a hold of Henry and managed to get in a Taxi with Jamie! Who thought I was coming back hours earlier than him but because of the delay we were exactly the same time. Funny. So us and another girl ended up talking most of the trip home about thanksgiving and how our break was, about going back to England and american football etc. Henry told us that he had 90 people with him for thanksgiving! And they had 13 25lb turkeys all cooked different ways. Apparently he said he sees me as family, and said that he thought about inviting me along for that dinner if I hadnt have been going to Detroit! Bless him.

We got back into Oxford and Jamie and I got money out to pay Henry. And we got back to trails fine, he dropped me off last because it made the most sense. I paid him, he took a picture of me and took my email address so we could stay in contact. He is so lovely it will be nice to keep in contact with him to be honest.

So I came up to the apartment, tried to find the game on tv - to no avail, caught up with Hyein whohad a wonderful time in San Francisco and LA. And then unpacked and basically crashed, I think I have sorted what I am doing the two weeks and I hope it all goes to plan but we will just have to see I guess. Now time to finish my film and sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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