Wednesday 7 November 2012


Today was pretty uneven til other than getting some confusion and troubling news from back home about energy bills but don't worry I am not going to bore you wil the details just know this one half of the problem was sorted early on and the other half is still being worked on.

It didn't help today that was I tried, it after a bagel, small coffee and some classes to wake me up. I was ready. After missing one bus I waited another 20 minutes for another blue bus, and managed to get to Walmart do my shopping, get out, have a subway, get back to trails and back onto campus in the best part of two hours. Now that my my friends is impressive. I think getting that bad news really got me going. I came back onto famous read a bit more of my book for my assignment coming up. Talked to the girls back home, trying to arrange a Skype session for some point. Missing them like crazy. I came back around 4:30 ish. Chilled for a little watched a tiny part of the Green Laturn, talked to Patty, all I wanted was a hug I ended up ranting at her a little which I feel awful for! She is just so easy to talk to and i knew she would have some good advice for me. Mainly Chill the Hell out!!

She told me this aamazing story all about her wonderful wondering through the woods and seeing faulkners house and grave and stuff, and then she said she had seen a wolf! No joke! A wolf in the woods!! How amazing is that? I bet it was really scary but phenomenal at the same time. I love wolves!

But either way I then called Matt, who really helped me to calm down. Had been emailing my dad all day as well and eventually after a few ups and downs I think I am calm. It's hard to tell sometimes but I think I have some better perspective now. I am trying to get better with this whole coping with stress thing. I think I am getting there but I guess we will see. No point in counting chickens before they have hatched. 

Moving on, it was really nice to all to Matt, with only 31 days o go its getting scary how close it is to leaving! I am torn I don't want to go because I'm having an awesome time and I am loving it but at the same time I kinda miss parts of home. It's strange I know. I saw on Facebook that people had gone to this we are one, ole miss thing, in a sort of defiance to the riots that happened yesterday because of the election result. I wish I had stayed on campus and gone to it, but I didn't realise what was going on. I also kinda wanted to get home and relax. Either way it looked like it was really good. To be honest most of the conversations today were about the election result. It was really interesting hearing some of the stories, like gun shots going off. A friend of mind had a neighbour who was playing dubstep, he suspects, in order to drown out the other neighbour who was cheering for Obama! Crazy stuff! I saw in the DM (daily Mississippian) a map of how each of the counties had voted in the election. My word that was interesting and I am defo keeping that to save and show people.


Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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