Tuesday 27 November 2012

Late night

I seems to be living in the library, I started there this morning catching up on tv and finishing off the plan for my essay. Class then went well I spent it listening to Music and looking at art from the Reformation era which was nice. Matt made fun of me because of it, we have decided though to go to one of one another lectures to see when it is like. today wasn't a good day for Matt and I.

After class I joined Hannah on the third floor, the library was jammed!! The whole day it was packed, and I finished off my notes and checked notes and basically made  my plan for the slavery essay. I am pretty much set to write the essays now which is a good feeling only issue - I only have a few days. I prefer a week or more. anyway I ate my packed lunch and stuff trying not to get stressed. I had to borrow Hannah's laptop at one point to finish off that alcohol edu thing. So pathetic and just not needed! We stopped for coffee before afternoon class we all needed and deserved it. Gaby just got some food.

My afternoon class went well too, managed to chip in a question and it helped me to get some more opinions and ideas about the topic I am studying for my paper. After class I went back to the library and started writing. I typed up a plan, I did my bibliography and my cover sheet. After I had done all that I started writing. I have done a fair but I still a little more to do. I am trying to plan when I am going to write and read through these essays and stuff but I just can't do it. I am so pushed for time. I am tired because I am having late nights and library and then having to get up early to go back to the library to do work. It is insane I am living a nightmare at the moment.

To top it all of, I went out to get the bus and was stood waiting for it for 20 minutes in the freezing only to find it had been parked up near the Lyceum. No one beckoned me or asked me. Not happy having to wait for it to come back, for it then to speed home, not happy am I.

I did get a card of my parents today though saying good luck for my exams and how proud they are of me. They voices in my head keep me going. I have to prove people wrong, I have to prove to people that I can do this and that I can do it right and well! I did also find out today that the thesis statement that everyone has been banging on about me missing is basically, in this esay I will discuss ... Etc. I wold be killed if I wrote that in the Uk! I wish I had known that in the beginning I might have managed to get some higher grades. This B ceiling is really starting to get annoying! But I don't know what I can do it push it up. I have been to see the professors but they just said keep working hard etc.

So annoying. Sleep time. Getting overtired. Soon will be making self ill.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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