Tuesday 13 November 2012


Well I have just seen that I have hit over a hundred blog posts! How incredible is that! Andnthere is only 25 days left!! Ahah scary!

Anyway this morning was pretty usual i had a cup of tea and a bagel at Starbucks before heading down to the computers to read through the essay I half wrote yesterday. I have to admit it wasn't as bad as I thought it was but it could have been a lot better. Anyway I improved it dramatically and went onwards to class. I managed to go swimming today however I didn't manage my 50 I went too slowly in some of the sets and therefore I didn't reach my mark but it is fine. I still did half an hour of exercise.

I grabbed some lunch, I thought I would spoil myself with a burger today, that was such a bad idea! I just felt the grease on my stomach all day it was awful! I didn't feel sick, just stodgy! I then went back to the library where I saw Ian! It was soo good to see him back at College! I managed to work some more on my essay and matt read it through as well for me and has sent me some feedback from someone who doesn't know the topic which was good. I am trying my hardest not to let people read my work and for me to edit it myself. I need to learn from my mistakes and I can't keep relying on people to check my work. It has to be my own work. Asking for help isn't a sign of defeat I know but I would rather be able to notice these things on my own. Anyway, Catherine and Hannah came and found me and then we collected Gaby from her cuby hole in the library and went to our second class.

More information about dread Scott and Frederick douglas, it was a really interesting lecture. I do really enjoy that class. Hannah, Gaby and I then wondered to see Gaby's professor who wasnt in unfortunately. We then decided to go home, it would just be better. We originally planned to stay on campus and do work but everyone was a little tired and Gaby wanted to Skype and work could be done at home. So we came back.

I checked the mail and found I had a package from Matt's mum!! A birthday present nonetheless! It was a scarf!! Believe me it is a god send especially with the weather dropping so much it is hard to believe how cold it has gotten. There was frost on the ground when I left this morning! So I am going to write her a quick thank you note! How lovely of her.

I then went back to my apartment grabbed a little dinner, I am just not hungry in the evenings really. I don't know why. I then read through the documents I had to read for Friday's native American class. Well some of them. I then walked over to Gaby and Hannah's and dyed Gaby's hair. I watched them cook dinner and then I left. I came back to my apartment got changed and then started work again.. Reading articles ready for my research papers that are coming up after thanksgiving.

It is all creeping up on me now.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

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