Monday 19 November 2012


Most of my day was spent in silence, listening to a film in the background as I continued my work, I finished my reformation notes and started my colonial America notes, I have only 4 pages left so I will get back to them after I have posted this.

I got  this morning, had a shower and was dressed had some breakfast, and then began my studying. I sorted out the bill today as well. Grandpa and I went for a walk around the figure of eight that is around my auntie deb's house. Which was nice, I got out and had some fresh air at least. I took my inhaler as well o try and clear my lungs alongside the fresh air and it did the job. Only issue was it made me shake again. Oh well.

Anyway after this walk we went to Walmart to get some orang juice and some paper for me being I am starting to run out. And we grabbed a subway whilst we were there which was awesome, it was really good! I really enjoyed it. When we got back home i stayed and watched another film whilst Granapa went and picked up gareth from school. When he got home he went on some my games meanwhile, grandpa and I tried to figure out what happened with Gareth's saxophone we even called my dad to see want he knew. We are still not sure. Anyway Gareth went downstairs and started his Xbox, I went and visited him and made a deal about his homework. Which he came up and did with no hassle, afterwards he went back downstairs and then we had spag Bol for dinner which was lovely. I had ice cream for after as well.

No sooner had I got back to my work when deb and Huw walked through the door, they were back from Texas, they had been watching the grand Prix lucky people. So they shared what they had been up to. It sounded really interesting, even with a few mishaps in places, like only have two entrances/exits. Plus only allowing payment by cash in the arena as well mental! Sounded like an insane and fun weekend though. We updated them about the time we had had lever the weekend. Before we finally all chilled out and just took a breather.

People were soon going off to bed, so just chilling in gareths room, which I have adopted for a week. Doing my work, as per usual.

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

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