Wednesday 31 October 2012


Okay this holiday is mad!! People walked around campus in some costumes today! I could not believe it! Nothing austentatious, simple things but still. Classes went by quickly as usual, frantically writing down things at some point. Just so much information to get down, you know never know what is going to be useful in these modules.

Anyway I grabbed some lunch quickly and proceeded to my hole - i.e. the library. Where I began work on my essay due for Friday, I have completely resturctured it and it reads a lot better but I had done deeper analysis from re reading the sources and therefore had to add this in. I have managed to spread a 5 page paper to 6 pages and is just over 2000 words. So my research papers coming up are only going to be 3000 words ish, which should be relatively easy. I am quite proud of this essay but I guess a few more reads and we see how it goes. I typed a little to matt and my parents. Matt is getting caught up in work and social life so it's hard sometimes to talk to him. It was nice to chat a little to my parents though. Around 3ish I left and had a quick chat with Sophie and went to the bus stop. I met Ian and DJ who had just come out of Spanish and were therefore a bit tight and upset about it, I don't think they enjoy Spanish very much.

I got back and chilled, grabbed a very early dinner because I thought I was going to the international party, which I did end up doing, even though the English gals and guys weren't there. I got ready because my flat was filling up with people all dressed up and ready. I was watching the haunting at the time as well so I was kinda getting in the mood to get ready and the such like. So I had a shower and got ready - simple as. Being a zombie is so simple and yet effective if you do it right. I whited my face and neck out and made myself cry blood, put blood all down my arms and legs and made my eyes black assets. It was awesome. Patty, Anja and Lohrie went as Bavarian girls which was brilliant, fanny turned up in a blue morph suit with a mask and sneaks on it was awesome! Everyone looked so good! At the international party, which was a waste of time, I managed to scare a lot of Koreans and some of my other friends too. I had lots of photos taken of me with people and some pics which I photo bombed with my Zombie face! Jasmin was a zombie too so we went around as a pair.

Afterwards I came back to trails, grabbed Ava's camera from my apartment and then went to Alice's! It was a great party? There was punch and jelly and sweets and decorations everywhere it was awesome!! I have taken so many photos of the different costumes and of everyone! I think I got a pics of everyone infant I am pretty sure I did. Either way it was a great party, great music and everything! They all left for the Square and with my hair back combed and white face I didn't think i was ready for the square to see me, let alone anyone on the square. You think I am joking about my hair, I blowed dried it, the got my flat mates to rough it up under a towel and then I kept roughing it throughout the night. It was huge and fluffy!! 

I came home when they left, just getting warm in bed and washed off all my make up and trying to tie my hair back - shower tomorrow morning is going to be needed. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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