Sunday 4 November 2012


This post is called opposite because it was opposite of yesterday. Today was really productive. 

I was up early this morning grabbed a little breakfast talked to my mum and matt for a little. I then headed down the gym with my book. This is still a great idea! I got the reading I wanted to get done whilst I was on the treadmill. I also did the cross trainer and my 100 sit ups. So I felt good when I came home. I then watched part of Garfield before grabbing some better breakfast and a shower. I watched then end of that film and then found P.S I love you. I love this film. Hyein invited me to join her for lunch and I am so glad I did, it was really nice and just enough spice for me. Noodles again - it was lovely! I learnt a lot about Korean culture, like there is almost no PDA ( public displays of affection) almost at all. A hug in some situations is okay but this is between couples!! Nothing allowed normally. I also didn't quite grasp that apparently if people are caught crossing the river then they are automatically shot! Hyein has met one student who made it across and they said it was very stressful. They are also ruled by a president,  a similar system to the US but not we quite as large of course. 

It was a really nice lunch! She then left for campus to do her work. So I was able to Skype matt and type to my sister and mum as well. Which was really nice. And people kept coming in for the internet again. I wish they would just get in sorted once and for all, its starting to get annoying. Mind you i am nor using my buildings internet because of all this issues. Although i felt kinda bad I was also handle to do some work whilst talking to matt which was good. He was able to read through his cv with me. I don't know if I helped a lot though. Anyway the Internet started playing up so we had to end the conversation. But it's fine, I watched gladiator and  west side story whilst I was going through my notes. I have been through and highlighted every module bar 1 so I am well ahead ready for revision.  Which feels good to be honest.

I watched the end of west side story all curled up in bed and sleepy. Ready for this week to be gin. I can't believe I have been with matt 5 months now - my longest relationship, and I am heading home in a month. Too much to happen before then though. 

Tomorrow is another adventure.  

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