Monday 26 November 2012


So this morning was pretty standard, had to buy a coffee and a bagel this morning because I was dying plain and simple. I emailed myself the documents for the first class of the day, even though we didn't really talk about the, at great length.

After my classes I went back to the library and watched, Merlin and Homeland whilst reading doing notes and uploading my memories from my thanksgiving trip. It was a good couple of hours. I then went to the union to pick up a bag crisps before meeting Hannah and Gaby to go to Walmart. This will be my last food trip. I doubt I will need to go again to be honest which I was thankful. I didn't need to take out money this time which I was also thankful for. Gaby and I grabbed a subway as well because we hadnt really eaten.

We got on the bus on the way back, got off at the stop earlier so we didn't have to walk too far with our bags and the green line soon followed and so we didn't have to wait very long. We got back, I checked my mail, and found a letter from my parents that should have arrived before thanksgiving and a letter from Jane. I doubt I will reply, I don't really have the time and plus I will probably beat some of them home as well.

Once I had unpacked the fridge and freezer stuff I sat down to eat my subway, which had been put on the wrong bread so I ended up just eating the meat and that was eat. I then met Hannah and Gaby at the clubhouse to catch the bus back to campus. We got on a bus going to connection because we were told to by the bus driver. When we got up there we ended up waiting there while he walked around the bus and stuff. Then heading into campus, got off at the library and there we stayed until 8:30pm before going to get the shuttle bus from the Lyceum. We met Louis in the library, I do feel for him this week, having a tonne of work to do and also having to go through the whole fraternity beginning as well. Must be so tiring! I would be so dead having to do that every day and very little sleep.

Anyway I came home and grabbed my work, I went thought my first crusade notes marking each of the paragraphs I wanted to do. I ended up watching part of Sweet Home Alabama with Patty and then Friends, so I got a bit done but not enough. So now I am all cuddled up in bed finishing off my full blown plan for this paper. So I can try and write some of it tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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