Monday 12 November 2012


So a lazy morning I just couldn't be bothered to get out of bed this morning. But once I gathered the motivation to get going I got ready quite quickly. Got onto campus and although I bypassed the library I couldnt think of any worm that I needed to get done this morning. So just just sat on my iPad outside class, I set up a LinkedIn account though which was good. I got a apaper back which was a B+ which  i was so happy about! Classes went well today I didn't get too distracted. I had to write in a tiny book for one of my classes because I had no pages left in my big book, that is how much I have written for this modules it's crazy. I met Sophie at the union with Alice, however Sophie decided she didn't want to get a ticket for an event later this week. I grabbed some lunch and then got to Skype matt for a little bit.

It was weird, and nice conversation but the mood of it kept changing very bizarre. Anyway I then headed back to trails in order to drop off some stuff and pick up some bits and pieces before heading back onto campus o get some work done. I managed to upload all my pictures and videos from the weekends which I was really chuffed about. I managed to et a very brief draft essay drawn up however there is only a brief introduction and there is no conclusion. It needs some major work doing to it but at least I have started the process. I will have to finish it tomorrow. I also managed to catch up on all my tv as well, I watched homeland and the rest of the series of Merlin which was good. I also got to talk To Matt a little on Facebook but he said we would talk properly when I got home.
Gaby and I stayed at the Library until like 5:30pm she took some books out and we got the bus easily we didn't have to wait long at all.

Once I got home I did get to Skype matt, I felt awful for making him stay up but at the same time it was good to talk to him. I had to let him go to bed though bless him! I also got to type a fair bit to Annie and Hayley today as well which was pretty good! It's getting really strange that it is only 26 days til I go home. I tidied my bedroom and got my washing down and got a little more work done. I got organised as well, writings down what I am doing over the next few weeks so I know that I am doing each day and the such like. I do love getting organised and getting sorted out.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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