Saturday 10 November 2012


Okay so today during the day everything was fine!! everything was good classes went well and i got to skype my parents which was good, a nice long chat just what i needed. Only issue was i think there is something wrong with my mum but i dont know what, i just hope it was nothing i have done. I got a load of work done in the library afterwards!! i posted the three packages home, which cost me less than i thought. it was a good day. I went home around 4ish and did a tiny bit more work had some food, chilled out you know the general. I did nice elaborate make up for tonights party.

Originally i wasn't going to change clothing tonight but then i decided that it might be a good idea to get involved. it was definitely interesting! i got rid of a horrible top that i was going to throw away anyway. it was a good party until the english lads kicked off.

to begin with they decided that they were going to go to the square for starters so by the time they had turned up to the party they were already drunk. they then had to audacity to come up to two of my friends and say that the British girls were boring!! boring!! of all things!! and the reason being because we dont go out!! I mean come on!! one you do not need alcohol to have a good night out, two you do not need to go out every single week. if you do that you end up gaining a reputation for yourself and not a good one for that!! boys get a rep for being players and girls get a rep of slags! im sorry but their are such double standards in this world. to make it worse!! my two friends have helped the guys out in so many situations and they have the gaul to come up into their faces and call us boring!! excuse us for caring about our grades!! we are not all on pass fail and the majority of us care about what grades we get at the end of this year. Not even that!! If we are caught with alcohol and we are underage that is it! out of america, visa revoked!! black listed! that is it!! so good luck boys if that is what you are willing to risk. They were even boasting about a fight they got into, which they caused by trying to kick someone's door down. I have never met such awful men in all my life!!

I am fuming, the testorone in my body is so high, i could have easily hit someone tonight. I was fuming that, they got into my friends face, who is the nicest person ever, and blew smoke into their face and towering over them. As soon as she started shouting back he couldn't even face her - coward!!

i dont care if they have alcohol in their system or anything!! they do not have the right to rate the girls and say shit about us!! they have no right!! I was just glad I was there to back up my friend. I only managed to say one thing, and I wish i had said more!!

Oh well! I have ranted, I have sat up until 4am talking about this and trying to calm down....

Tomorrow is another adventure.

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